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Provincia Iudaea: Eliana, Masada, Aelia Capitolina
Journal of Classics Teaching ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1017/s2058631021000118
Lynn LiCalsi

Provincia Iudaea is a supplementary reader for beginning and intermediate Latin students. It includes three stories set in first-century Judaea. The stories explain the confrontation between Romans and Jews at this time. The first story unfolds through the eyes of the main character, a young Jewish girl named Eliana. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, Eliana and her mother escape to Masada. Many years later, 132 CE, another character, Naomi, completes the narrative about the final struggle between Romans and Jews during the Bar Kochba Revolt. The book concludes with Hadrian's proclamations. Illustrations abound in this reader, giving students an anchor for understanding the narrative. Vocabulary is provided on facing pages so that students can read without the burden of looking up words. Some words appear in the dictionary entry format, whereas others are simply glossed. The reason for this is not to burden students with grammatical details


Provincia Iudaea: Eliana, Masada, Aelia Capitolina

云南省是初级和中级拉丁学生的补充读物。它包括三个故事,背景设置在公元一世纪的犹太。这些故事解释了此时罗马人和犹太人之间的对抗。第一个故事通过主角,一个名叫埃利亚娜的年轻犹太女孩的眼睛展开。在公元 70 年第二圣殿被毁后,埃利亚娜和她的母亲逃到了马萨达。多年后,公元 132 年,另一个角色 Naomi 完成了关于在 Bar Kochba 起义期间罗马人和犹太人之间最后斗争的叙述。这本书以哈德良的宣言结尾。这本阅读器中的插图比比皆是,为学生理解叙述提供了依据。词汇在对页上提供,以便学生可以阅读而无需查找单词。有些词出现在词典条目格式中,而其他人只是简单地掩盖了。这样做的原因不是给学生增加语法细节的负担