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Virtual Special Issue on “Quality in Mixed Methods Research”
Journal of Mixed Methods Research ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1177/15586898211001974
Sergi Fàbregues 1 , José F. Molina-Azorin 2 , Michael D. Fetters 3

The quality of mixed methods research (MMR) has been a much-debated topic in the field as evidenced by a significant number of published articles (Bryman, 2014; Bryman et al., 2008; O’Cathain et al., 2008; Onwuegbuzie & Johnson, 2006; Onwuegbuzie & Poth, 2016), chapters of mixed methods handbooks (Collins, 2015; O’Cathain, 2010), and reports (NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences, 2018). Two reviews by Heyvaert et al. (2013) and Fàbregues and Molina-Azorin (2017) traced the increase in the number of publications since the mid-2000s, a period coinciding with the beginning of the expanded procedural developmental period, according to Creswell and Plano Clark (2018). In this period, MMR methodologists focused on consolidating the acceptance of MMR through the publication of guidelines and criteria for the design, implementation, and reporting of high-quality MMR studies. Owing to Journal of Mixed Methods Research’s (JMMR) leadership during this period, the journal took seriously its responsibility to publish several substantial editorials and articles dedicated to the topic of quality in MMR. In this editorial, we introduce this virtual special issue by providing an overview of these previously published editorials and articles.



混合方法研究(MMR)的质量在该领域一直是一个备受争议的话题,许多已发表的文章证明了这一点(Bryman,2014; Bryman等,2008; O'Cathain等,2008; Onwuegbuzie &Johnson,2006; Onwuegbuzie&Poth,2016),混合方法手册的章节(Collins,2015; O'Cathain,2010)和报告(NIH行为与社会科学办公室,2018)。Heyvaert等人的两项评论。(2013)以及Fàbregues和Molina-Azorin(2017)追溯了自2000年代中期以来出版物数量的增加,这一时期与程序发展时期的开始相吻合。根据Creswell和Plano Clark(2018)的说法。在此期间,MMR方法学家致力于通过发布设计,实施和报告高质量MMR研究的指南和标准来巩固对MMR的接受。在此期间,由于混合方法研究杂志JMMR)的领导,该杂志认真承担了出版几篇有关MMR质量主题的重要社论和文章的责任。在这篇社论中,我们通过概述这些以前发表的社论和文章来介绍这个虚拟特刊。