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Effects of a psychiatric diagnosis vs a clinical formulation on lay attitudes to people with psychosis
Psychosis ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-23 , DOI: 10.1080/17522439.2021.1901302
Christina Seery 1 , Jessica Bramham 1 , Cliódhna O’Connor 1


Background: Limited research has investigated whether replacing psychiatric diagnosis with psychological formulation-based approaches has implications for lay attitudes to mental health. The present study investigates experimentally whether presenting psychosis in terms of a schizophrenia diagnosis vs. formulation narrative affects stigma and treatment attitudes in the general public.

Method: The study employed a between-groups experimental vignette design, with data collected online. 351 participants (64.1% female, aged 18–66,) read a vignette about a person experiencing psychosis, defined with either a diagnosis of schizophrenia or a narrative-based formulation. Participants completed a battery of scales measuring their attitudes to the vignette character (social distance, attribution, recommended treatment options, mental help-seeking attitudes).

Results: Desired social distance was significantly greater in participants exposed to the diagnostic label of schizophrenia. The schizophrenia label led participants to rate medical care as significantly more helpful relative to the formulation condition but did not affect ratings of specialist or community care or mental help-seeking attitudes.

Conclusions: These findings suggest that a psychological formulation approach may slightly lessen stigma-related attitudes, relative to traditional diagnostic systems. Popularisation of formulation models need not compromise general orientations to help-seeking or perceived helpfulness of specialist care but may lead to less medicalised treatment preferences.





方法:该研究采用组间实验小插图设计,数据在线收集。351 名参与者(64.1% 女性,18-66 岁)阅读了一个关于精神病患者的小插曲,定义为精神分裂症的诊断或基于叙述的表述。参与者完成了一系列量表来衡量他们对小插曲角色的态度(社交距离、归因、推荐的治疗方案、心理求助态度)。


