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Can probiotic or prebiotic yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) serve as alternatives to in-feed antibiotics for healthy or disease-challenged broiler chickens?: a review
Journal of Applied Poultry Research ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.japr.2021.100164
E.U. Ahiwe , T.T. Tedeschi dos Santos , H. Graham , P.A. Iji

The ban on the use of antibiotics in feed for broiler chickens in some parts of the world, coupled with increasing consumer demand for antibiotics-free poultry products, has in recent decades increased the interest of poultry researchers and producers to identify suitable alternatives to such antibiotics. One such alternative is yeast (S. cerevisiae). This review discusses the potential of probiotic and prebiotic yeast (S. cerevisiae) to increase productivity in healthy or disease-challenged broiler chickens. A brief description of the mechanisms of action, efficacy, reasons for inconsistent results, and ways to improve consistency in results are discussed. We conclude that there is convincing evidence that probiotic and prebiotic yeast products can replace in-feed antibiotics in broiler chicken production; however, there is a need for more testing in order to achieve consistency. A combination of appropriate yeast products alongside proper husbandry practices and bio-security measures could significantly reduce the observed inconsistencies, maximize broiler productivity and pave the way to a global antibiotic-free era in meat production.



近几十年来,世界某些地区禁止在肉鸡饲料中使用抗生素,加上消费者对不含抗生素的家禽产品的需求不断增加,这增加了家禽研究人员和生产者寻找此类抗生素的合适替代品的兴趣。 . 一种这样的选择是酵母(S. cerevisiae)。本综述讨论了益生菌和益生元酵母 ( S. cerevisiae) 以提高健康或患病肉鸡的生产力。讨论了作用机理,功效,结果不一致的原因以及提高结果一致性的方法的简要说明。我们得出的结论是,有令人信服的证据表明益生菌和益生元酵母产品可以替代肉鸡生产中的饲料中抗生素;然而,需要进行更多的测试以实现一致性。适当的酵母产品与适当的饲养实践和生物安全措施相结合,可以显着减少观察到的不一致,最大限度地提高肉鸡的生产力,并为全球肉类生产的无抗生素时代铺平道路。
