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Prenatal Exposure to Persistent Organic Pollutants and Maternal Folic Acid Supplementation: Their Impact on Glucose Homeostasis in Male Rat Descendants
Environments ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.3390/environments8030024
Pauline Navarro , Mathieu Dalvai , Phanie L. Charest , Pauline M. Herst , Maryse Lessard , Bruno Marcotte , Nadine Leblanc , Sarah Kimmins , Jacquetta Trasler , Amanda J. MacFarlane , André Marette , Janice L. Bailey , Hélène Jacques

Exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is associated with insulin resistance while folic acid (FA) may offer a protective effect. However, the paternal contribution to metabolic phenotypes in offspring is not well known yet. Hence, we investigated whether maternal exposure to POPs affects glucose homeostasis and whether maternal FA supplementation counteracts POP effects transmitted via male descendants. Sprague–Dawley founder dams (F0) were fed a diet containing 2 or 6 mg/kg of FA and were force-fed with either a POP mixture or corn oil for 9 weeks. Subsequent male descendants did not receive any treatment. Blood glucose, plasma insulin and C-peptide were measured during an oral glucose tolerance test in males aged 90 and 180 days from generation 1 (F1), 2 (F2) and 3 (F3). Prenatal POP exposure increased fasting glucose in 90-day-old F1 males and C-peptide in 90-day-old F2 males. Prenatal FA supplementation decreased C-peptide in 90 and 180-day-old F1 males. In 180-day-old F3 males, FA supplementation counteracted POPs on fasting and postglucose C-peptide, indicating reduced insulin secretion. Prenatal exposure to an environmentally relevant POP mixture caused abnormalities in glucose homeostasis that are transmitted from one generation to the next through the paternal lineage. Prenatal FA supplementation counteracted some of the deleterious effects of POPs on glucose homeostasis.



暴露于持久性有机污染物(POPs)与胰岛素抵抗有关,而叶酸(FA)可能起到保护作用。然而,尚不清楚父系对后代代谢表型的贡献。因此,我们调查了母亲暴露于持久性有机污染物是否会影响葡萄糖稳态,以及母亲补充FA是否能抵消通过雄性后代传播的POP效应。给Sprague-Dawley创始水坝(F0)喂食含有2或6 mg / kg FA的日粮,并用POP混合物或玉米油强制饲喂9周。随后的男性后代没有得到任何治疗。在第1代(F1),第2代(F2)和第3代(F3)的90和180天年龄的男性中,在口服葡萄糖耐量测试期间测量了血糖,血浆胰岛素和C肽。产前POP暴露增加了90天大的F1男性的空腹血糖和90天大的F2男性的C肽。在90和180天的F1男性中,产前FA补充降低了C肽。在180天大的F3男性中,补充FA可以抵消禁食和葡萄糖后C肽中的POP,表明胰岛素分泌减少。产前暴露于环境相关的POP混合物会导致葡萄糖稳态的异常,这种异常会通过父系从一代传给下一代。产前补充FA抵消了POPs对葡萄糖稳态的某些有害作用。表明胰岛素分泌减少。产前暴露于环境相关的POP混合物会导致葡萄糖稳态的异常,这种异常会通过父系从一代传给下一代。产前补充FA抵消了POPs对葡萄糖稳态的某些有害作用。表明胰岛素分泌减少。产前暴露于环境相关的POP混合物会导致葡萄糖稳态的异常,这种异常会通过父系从一代传给下一代。产前补充FA抵消了POPs对葡萄糖稳态的某些有害作用。