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Eudaimonic Testimonial Vs. Didactic Presentation Impact on Willingness to Engage in Conversations about End-of-Life Care: The Moderating Role of Modeling
Journal of Health Communication ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2021.1890861
Judy Watts 1 , Michael D Slater 1


Using the mediated wisdom of experience (MWOE) theoretical framework, this study examines how eudaimonic testimonials versus comparable didactic presentations, and the presence or absence of modeling target behavior, influence death acceptance and intentions to converse about end-of-life care preferences. Effects for testimonials on attitudes and behaviors proved contingent on modeling. When testimonials incorporated modeled behavior, individuals were more likely to intend to carry out conversations about end-of-life conversations. However, when the testimonials did not provide modeled examples of conversations about death, individuals were more likely to experience anxiety and less likely to intend to engage in such conversations. Mediation analyses found that testimonials indirectly increased attitudes and intentions to have end-of-life conversations through emotional range and death acceptance. Mediation analyses also indicated modeling such conversations increased attitudes and intentions toward having end-of-life conversations via identification and self-efficacy.


Eudaimonic 证词 Vs。教学演示对参与有关临终关怀对话的意愿的影响:建模的调节作用


使用中介经验智慧 (MWOE) 理论框架,本研究检查了 eudaimonic 推荐与可比较的教学演示,以及建模目标行为的存在与否,如何影响死亡接受度和谈论临终关怀偏好的意图。证明对态度和行为的推荐的影响取决于建模。当推荐信包含模范行为时,个人更有可能打算进行有关临终对话的对话。然而,当推荐信没有提供有关死亡对话的模型示例时,个人更有可能感到焦虑,并且不太可能打算参与此类对话。中介分析发现,推荐书通过情感范围和死亡接受间接增加了进行临终对话的态度和意图。中介分析还表明,对此类对话进行建模会增加通过认同和自我效能感进行临终对话的态度和意图。
