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The Quest for Indigenous Autonomy: Communication Media, Internal Conflicts, and Policy Reform in Colombia
The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1111/jlca.12534
Diego Mauricio Cortés 1

In 2013, the National Indigenous Organization of Colombia (ONIC) and the national government signed Agreement No. 547, which commissioned to the five main national indigenous organizations of the country the drafting of a bill to propel the strengthening of the indigenous media in Colombia. This political reform would represent a significant advance in the democratization of the historically monopolized and exclusive Colombian media landscape, thus fulfilling one of the mandates of the 1991 Colombian multicultural Constitution. However, due to internal conflicts within the indigenous leadership, these five organizations failed to present any bill to the Congress of the Republic of Colombia, wasting this historic opportunity. Based on this case, the discussion on “radical” Zapatista autonomy, and the concept of “indigenous utopias” proposed by Rappaport (2005) (rather than impossible dreams, objectives to strive for), this article argues that a robust autonomous indigenous governance depends on the constant search for a “utopian balance” between legal protections (centripetal forces) and de facto practices (centrifugal actions).



2013 年,哥伦比亚全国土著组织 (ONIC) 与国家政府签署了第 547 号协议,委托该国五个主要的全国土著组织起草一项法案,以推动哥伦比亚土著媒体的发展。这项政治改革将代表哥伦比亚历史上垄断和排他性媒体格局民主化的重大进步,从而实现 1991 年哥伦比亚多元文化宪法的一项任务。然而,由于土著领导层内部冲突,这五个组织未能向哥伦比亚共和国国会提交任何法案,浪费了这一历史性机会。基于此案例,关于“激进”萨帕塔自治的讨论,