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Joint bidding and horizontal subcontracting
International Journal of Industrial Organization ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijindorg.2021.102727
Jan Bouckaert , Geert Van Moer

This paper investigates joint bidding when firms have incentives to sign subcontracts with each other after competing in the bidding stage. A bidding consortium affects the horizontal subcontracting market and, through backward induction, alters firms’ bids. Our findings challenge the current legal practice that consortia without efficiencies must pass the “no-solo-bidding test”, requiring that its members could not bid stand-alone. Our framework predicts that the formation of a temporary consortium, which has the feature that it dissolves after submitting a losing bid, benefits the procurer. The winning bid is more competitive with a temporary as compared to a structural consortium.



