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Creating property out of insecurity: territorialization and legitimation of REDD+ in Lindi, Tanzania
The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1080/07329113.2021.1900512
Melis Ece 1


The international REDD+ programme to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation emphasises financial incentives, property rights in forest carbon and control over forest land to attain market-based conservation goals in the Global South. REDD+ territorialization attempts are shaped by carbon markets and by their embeddedness in institutional and legal contexts, where different actors struggle to establish authority, legitimacy and claims to land and forests. In Tanzania, the market-oriented pathways of REDD+ projects have been integrated into land use planning, land titling and the creation of village land forest reserves. Through a case study of a pilot project in Lindi, Tanzania, this article analyses how particular kinds of property rights and territorial control are contested and legitimated through market-based and human rights-based discourses invoked by project actors, government officers and village communities in REDD+ projects. These processes bring together different rationalities and practices of territorialization over property rights in carbon, forests and land. The case study illustrates the role that property languages play in legitimating and persuading different audiences, as REDD+ projects reconfigure property rights over forest land, fuelling land conflicts and heightening insecurity.


出于不安全感而创造财产:坦桑尼亚林迪的REDD +地域化和合法化


旨在减少毁林和森林退化造成的排放的国际REDD +计划强调了财政激励措施,森林碳的产权以及对林地的控制,以实现南方国家基于市场的保护目标。REDD +的区域化尝试是由碳市场及其在制度和法律背景下的嵌入程度决定的,在这种背景下,不同的参与者努力建立权威,合法性以及对土地和森林的所有权。在坦桑尼亚,REDD +项目以市场为导向的途径已被整合到土地使用规划,土地所有权和乡村土地森林保护区的建立中。通过对坦桑尼亚林迪市试点项目的案例研究,本文分析了REDD +项目中项目参与者,政府官员和村庄社区通过基于市场和基于人权的话语如何对特定种类的产权和领土控制进行争夺和合法化。这些过程汇集了关于碳,森林和土地产权的不同理性化和地区化实践。案例研究表明,随着REDD +项目重新配置林地产权,加剧土地冲突和加剧不安全感,财产语言在使不同受众合法化和说服中发挥了作用。这些过程汇集了关于碳,森林和土地产权的不同理性化和地区化实践。案例研究表明,当REDD +项目重新配置林地产权,加剧土地冲突并加剧不安全感时,产权语言在合法化和说服不同受众方面发挥的作用。这些过程汇集了关于碳,森林和土地产权的不同理性和实践的地域化。案例研究表明,当REDD +项目重新配置林地产权,加剧土地冲突并加剧不安全感时,产权语言在合法化和说服不同受众方面发挥的作用。
