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Creating a group oriented Supreme Court – Lord Neuberger’s legacy
International Journal of the Legal Profession ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1080/09695958.2021.1877716
Alan Paterson 1


Presidents of the UK Supreme Court have a degree of flexibility in how they approach their role, and how they exercise the power that they undoubtedly have to shape key aspects of collective judicial decision-making in the Court. This article, based on interviews with the Justices, focuses on the way that Lord Neuberger interpreted the role and how his colleagues thought that he carried out the role. Taking Steven Lukes’ account of “power” as its starting point the piece seeks to show how Lord Neuberger harnessed the power of the president to enhance the reputation of the Court and to develop a form of group decision making based on team work which was far removed from the operation of the House of Lords even under the leadership of Lord Bingham. The Miller No. 1 case (2017) is used as a case study of presidential power in operation.




英国最高法院院长在如何处理自己的角色以及如何行使其无疑会影响法院集体司法决策关键方面的权力方面具有一定程度的灵活性。本文基于对大法官的采访,重点讨论了诺伊伯格勋爵对这一角色的解释方式以及他的同事们认为他扮演这一角色的方式。该文章以史蒂文·卢克斯(Steven Lukes)对“权力”的解释为出发点,力图展示诺伊贝格勋爵(Lord Neuberger)如何利用总统的权力来提高法院的声誉,并根据团队合作发展集团决策的形式。即使在宾厄姆勋爵的领导下也从上议院的运作中撤出。在米勒1号 案例(2017)被用作运作中的总统权力的案例研究。
