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Eustatic and local tectonic impact on the Late Ordovician – early Silurian facies evolution on the SW margin of peri-Baltica (the southern Holy Cross Mountains, Poland)
Geological Magazine ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1017/s0016756821000054
Wiesław Trela

This paper provides insight into the Late Ordovician to earliest Silurian evolution of sedimentary environments in the southern Holy Cross Mountains (SE Poland), which at that time were a part of the SW periphery of Baltica. The facies layout in this area was influenced by the basement block faulting, which differentiated the basin bathymetry into submarine horst and grabens, controlling facies distribution. However, the local tectonism was insufficient to fully mask the global eustatic events. Therefore, it is possible to correlate some facies changes in the Upper Ordovician and lower Llandovery sedimentary record of the southern Holy Cross Mountains with eustatic and palaeoceanographic changes reported worldwide. The most noticeable influence of eustasy on the sedimentary record in the studied area occurs at the Ordovician/Silurian boundary. It is manifested by Hirnantian regressive coarse-grained clastic sediments overlain by a post-glacial anoxic/dysoxic interval represented by the Rhuddanian transgressive black cherts and shales. It is noteworthy that the pre- and post-Hirnantian sedimentary environments in the southern Holy Cross Mountains were affected by upwelling induced by the SE trade winds.



本文提供了对南部圣十字山脉(波兰东南部)沉积环境的晚奥陶世至最早志留纪演化的见解,当时该山脉是波罗的海西南边缘的一部分。该区相布局受基底块断层的影响,将盆地测深区分为海底地垒和地堑,控制了相分布。然而,局部构造不足以完全掩盖全球海啸事件。因此,有可能将圣十字山脉南部上奥陶统和下兰多维里沉积记录中的一些相变与世界范围内报道的海平面和古海洋变化联系起来。eustasy 对研究区沉积记录的最显着影响发生在奥陶系/志留系边界。它表现为赫南海退性粗粒碎屑沉积物覆盖在冰后缺氧/缺氧层段上,以鲁丹海侵黑燧石和页岩为代表。值得注意的是,圣十字山脉南部的 Hirnantian 前后沉积环境受到 SE 信风引起的上升流的影响。