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A large scale analysis of threats to the nesting sites of Podocnemis species and the effectiveness of the coverage of these areas by the Brazilian Action Plan for Amazon Turtle Conservation
Journal for Nature Conservation ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnc.2021.125997
Camila Kurzmann Fagundes , Franciele Fath , Lara Gomes Côrtes , Vívian Uhlig , Paulo César Machado Andrade , Richard Vogt , Juarez Carlos Brito Pezzuti , Paulo De Marco

We evaluated the vulnerability of nesting sites (sandbanks) available to Podocnemis expansa, P. unifilis and P. sextuberculata to human threats and the coverage of these areas by a public policy created to conserve turtles. Species distribution models were used to identify potential nesting areas in the Brazilian Amazon, where sandbanks were mapped through satellite imagery. Values of threats (deforestation, mining, dams and density of human communities) were normalized from 0 to 1 and summed in each 100 km2 pixel. We calculated the mean value of threats and sandbanks area for each basin. Basins with the greatest values for those variables were considered as the most vulnerable. We calculated the coverage of turtle nesting sites that have conservation actions in relation to the sandbanks available and if they are located in the most vulnerable basins. The areas of greatest gaps in conservation actions and vulnerability are located in the Tocantins-Araguaia basins and in rivers such as: Branco, Guaporé, Amazonas, Solimões, Madeira, Tapajós and Xingu. Nesting sites included by the public policy covered 15.17 % of the number of basins and about 21 % of total sandbank areas, encompassing 11 % of the most vulnerable basins and 43 % of their sandbanks. We suggest the prioritization of conservation actions in areas of greatest gaps in conservation activities and vulnerability. In addition, we propose the articulation among institutions and the increase of initiatives of community-based conservation management to increase the geographical coverage of the greatest impacted regions.



我们通过为保护海龟而制定的公共政策评估了Podocnemis expansaP。unifilisP. sextuberculata可用的筑巢地点(沙岸)对人为威胁的脆弱性,以及这些区域的覆盖范围。物种分布模型用于识别巴西亚马逊河中潜在的筑巢区,在这里通过卫星图像对沙洲进行了测绘。威胁的价值(森林砍伐,采矿,水坝和人类社区的密度)从0标准化为1,并在每100 km 2中求和像素。我们计算了每个盆地的威胁和沙洲面积的平均值。这些变量值最大的盆地被认为是最脆弱的。我们计算了具有保护作用的乌龟筑巢点的覆盖率,这些保护点与可用的沙洲有关,如果它们位于最脆弱的盆地中。保护行动和脆弱性方面差距最大的地区位于Tocantins-Araguaia盆地和河流中,例如:Branco,Guaporé,Amazonas,Solimões,Madeira,Tapajós和Xingu。公共政策包括的筑巢点占盆地总数的15.17%,占沙丘总面积的21%,其中包括最脆弱盆地的11%和沙丘的43%。我们建议在保护活动和脆弱性差距最大的地区优先考虑保护行动。此外,我们建议机构之间进行明确的沟通,并增加基于社区的保护管理举措,以扩大受影响最大地区的地理覆盖范围。
