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Defining and transforming local migration policies: a conceptual approach backed by evidence from Germany
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-19 , DOI: 10.1080/1369183x.2021.1902792
Hannes Schammann 1 , Danielle Gluns 1 , Christiane Heimann 1 , Sandra Müller 1 , Tobias Wittchen 1 , Christin Younso 1 , Franziska Ziegler 1


What are the factors that drive municipalities to become active in the field of migration and migration-related diversity? Based on qualitative data from 126 German municipalities, this article proposes a new conceptual framework that allows for larger-scale comparisons and enables theory building on policy (in)activity at the local level. Setting the scene, the article discusses various theoretical approaches and empirical findings from the literature by using a heuristic of four categories of factors: institutional framework (e.g. competencies, discretionary spaces, multilevel governance), structural conditions (e.g. urbanity/rurality, socioeconomic conditions); local discourses (i.e. narratives creating a local space of possibilities), and local key actors (e.g. mayors, street-level bureaucrats). Empirically assessing the relative importance of these factors, the article focusses on local integration plans. In the German context, a municipality usually establishes an integration plan to actively control the outcome of integration processes, e.g. by orchestrating local stakeholders or allocating resources. Thus, the development of an integration plan can be used as a proxy for a municipality’s appetite to strategically engage with migration and migration-related diversity. As a result, the article proposes the ‘ISDA framework of local migration policymaking’, which distinguishes between ‘defining factors’ (institutional framework, structural conditions) and ‘transformative factors’ (discourses, actors).




促使市政当局积极参与移民和移民相关多样性领域的因素是什么?基于来自 126 个德国城市的定性数据,本文提出了一个新的概念框架,该框架允许进行更大规模的比较,并使理论能够建立在地方层面的政策(实施)活动上。本文以四类因素为背景,讨论了文献中的各种理论方法和实证结果:制度框架(例如能力、自由裁量空间、多层次治理)、结构条件(例如城市/农村、社会经济条件) ; 地方话语(即创造地方可能性空间的叙事),以及地方关键角色(例如市长、街头官僚)。本文根据经验评估了这些因素的相对重要性,重点关注当地整合计划。在德国,市政府通常会制定整合计划来积极控制整合过程的结果,例如通过协调当地利益相关者或分配资源。因此,整合计划的制定可以作为市政当局战略性地参与移民和与移民相关的多样性的意愿的代表。因此,本文提出了“当地移民政策制定的 ISDA 框架”,它区分了“定义因素”(制度框架、结构条件)和“变革因素”(话语、行动者)。市政当局通常会制定整合计划来积极控制整合过程的结果,例如通过协调当地利益相关者或分配资源。因此,整合计划的制定可以作为市政当局战略性地参与移民和与移民相关的多样性的意愿的代表。因此,本文提出了“当地移民政策制定的 ISDA 框架”,它区分了“定义因素”(制度框架、结构条件)和“变革因素”(话语、行动者)。市政当局通常会制定整合计划来积极控制整合过程的结果,例如通过协调当地利益相关者或分配资源。因此,整合计划的制定可以作为市政当局战略性地参与移民和与移民相关的多样性的意愿的代表。因此,本文提出了“当地移民政策制定的 ISDA 框架”,它区分了“定义因素”(制度框架、结构条件)和“变革因素”(话语、行动者)。整合计划的制定可以作为市政当局战略性地参与移民和与移民相关的多样性的意愿的代表。因此,本文提出了“当地移民政策制定的 ISDA 框架”,它区分了“定义因素”(制度框架、结构条件)和“变革因素”(话语、行动者)。整合计划的制定可以作为市政当局战略性地参与移民和与移民相关的多样性的意愿的代表。因此,本文提出了“当地移民政策制定的 ISDA 框架”,它区分了“定义因素”(制度框架、结构条件)和“变革因素”(话语、行动者)。
