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Russian nuclear weapons, 2021
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-18 , DOI: 10.1080/00963402.2021.1885869
Hans M. Kristensen , Matt Korda


The Nuclear Notebook is researched and written by Hans M. Kristensen, director of the Nuclear Information Project with the Federation of American Scientists, and Matt Korda, a research associate with the project. The Nuclear Notebook column has been published in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists since 1987. This issue’s column examines Russia’s nuclear arsenal, which includes a stockpile of nerarly 4,500 warheads. Of these, some 1,600 strategic warheads are deployed on ballistic missiles and at heavy bomber bases, while an additional 985 strategic warheads, along with 1,912 nonstrategic warheads, are held in reserve. The Russian arsenal is continuing broad modernization intended to replace most Soviet-era weapons by the mid- to late 2020s. To see all previous Nuclear Notebook columns, go to https://thebulletin.org/nuclear-risk/nuclear-weapons/nuclear-notebook/.




核笔记本由美国科学家联合会核信息项目主任汉斯·克里斯滕森(Hans M. Kristensen)和该项目的研究助理马特·科达(Matt Korda)研究和编写。自1987年以来,《核笔记本》专栏就已发表在《原子科学家公报》上。本期专栏研究了俄罗斯的核武库,其中包括多达4,500枚核弹头的储存。其中,约有1,600枚战略弹头被部署在弹道导弹和重型轰炸机基地上,另有985枚战略弹头以及1,912枚非战略性弹头被保留。俄罗斯军火库正在继续进行广泛的现代化改造,目的是在2020年代中期到后期取代苏联时期的大多数武器。要查看所有以前的《核笔记本》专栏,请访问https:// thebulletin。
