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Efficacy and emergence of parasitic wasps that attack herbivorous insects on maize and its relatives in their region of origin
Arthropod-Plant Interactions ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s11829-021-09818-4
Gustavo Moya-Raygoza

Maize (Zea mays subsp. mays), an important cereal crop worldwide, was domesticated directly from the annual teosinte (Zea mays subsp. parviglumis), and teosintes originated from gamagrass (Tripsacum) plants. Some herbivorous insects of maize began their association on Tripsacum; however, little is known about the interaction between these herbivores and their parasitoids in this ancestral Tripsacum habitat. A field experiment was conducted in the Mesoamerican region of origin of maize, using sentinel eggs of the hopper Dalbulus quinquenotatus on Tripsacum dactyloides, and eggs of the insect pest Dalbulus maidis on annual teosinte, landrace maize, and modern maize. A community of egg parasitoids formed by Anagrus naulti (Mymaridae), Paracentrobia sp., and Pseudoligosita sp. (Trichogrammatidae) was found attacking eggs of both species of hoppers on the tested host plants. The largest abundance of parasitoids adult emergence and rate of parasitism was found in D. quinquenotatus eggs laid on T. dactyloides. The rate of parasitism was similar for the other three treatments: D. maidis on teosinte, landrace maize, and modern maize. In the D. quinquenotatus-Tripsacum treatment, D. maidis-annual teosinte treatment, and D. maidis-hybrid maize treatment more Paracentrobia sp. adults emerged than A. naulti adults. These results suggest that the interaction between hoppers and their egg parasitoids occurs on Tripsacum plants, and probably has been in place since before maize domestication.



玉米(玉米亚种玉米),一个重要的谷类作物世界范围内,直接从年度玉米草(驯化玉米的亚种。parviglumis),并teosintes源于gamagrass(摩擦禾)植物。玉米的一些食草昆虫开始在Tripsacum上结缔; 然而,鲜为人知的是,在这个祖传的这些害虫及其寄生蜂之间的相互摩擦禾栖息地。通过田间试验是在玉米的起源的中美洲区域进行,使用的料斗定点蛋Dalbulus quinquenotatus摩擦禾茅状,和虫害的蛋一年生Teosinte,地方玉米和现代玉米的Dalbulus maidis。由鹦鹉Anagrus naulti(Mymaridae),Paracentrobia sp。和Pseudoligosita sp。)形成的卵寄生虫群落。在被测试的寄主植物上发现了(Trichogrammatidae)攻击两种漏斗卵的卵。在T上产的D. quinquenotatus卵中发现数量最大的成虫寄生虫和寄生虫发生率。dactyloides。其他三种处理的寄生虫发生率相似:Teosinte上的D. maidis,长白玉米和现代玉米。在D中quinquenotatus - Tripsacum治疗,D.蚜-年度玉米草治疗,和D.蚜-hybrid玉米治疗更加Paracentrobia SP。成年人比n。aaulti成年人出现。这些结果表明,漏斗与卵寄生卵之间的相互作用发生在Tripsacum植物上,并且很可能自玉米驯化之前就已经存在。
