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The Aesthetics of Extractivism: Violence, Ecology, and Sensibility in Turkey’s Kurdistan
Antipode ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-19 , DOI: 10.1111/anti.12723
Eray Çaylı 1

Focusing on dams and sand quarries, I discuss extractivism’s racialised workings along the uppermost stretch of the Tigris river in Turkey’s Kurdistan. In conversation with decolonial scholarship on “the Anthropocene”, I theorise through aesthetics the symbolic, epistemic, and corporeal violence of reducing the value of human and nonhuman life and agency to that of an extractable resource. My contribution to this scholarship involves a twofold argument. First, extractivism is upheld not only by the negation (or rendering insensible) of humans and nonhumans, but also the affirmation (or rendering excessively sensible) thereof, insofar as the latter shares the former’s racialised logic of valuing life and agency quantifiably. Second, the affirmations are not always straightforwardly territorialisable as they are often geographically entangled with the negations, particularly in times of crises that throw extractivist excesses into sharp relief. I conclude by thinking with activism to flesh out the counter-extractivist implications of my argument.



我以水坝和采砂场为重点,讨论了在土耳其库尔德斯坦底格里斯河最上游的采掘主义的种族化运作。在与关于“人类世”的非殖民主义学术对话中,我通过美学理论将人类和非人类生命和能动性的价值降低为可提取资源的价值的象征性、认知性和肉体暴力。我对这项奖学金的贡献涉及双重论证。首先,提取主义不仅通过 对人类和非人类的否定(或使其变得不可 感知)得到支持,而且还得到 肯定 (或使其过于合理),只要后者与前者共享前者的种族化逻辑,即以可量化的方式评估生命和能动性。其次,肯定并不总是可以直接领土化,因为它们通常在地理上与否定纠缠在一起,特别是在危机时期,使​​榨取主义的过度行为变得尖锐起来。最后,我用行动主义思考来充实我的论点的反提取主义含义。