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Constraining crustal thickness and lithospheric thermal state beneath the northeastern Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions from gravity, aeromagnetic, and heat flow data
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2021.104743
Guoming Gao , Quanming Lu , Jun Wang , Guofa Kang

The northeastern Tibetan Plateau (NETP) is located at the intersection between the Northern China Block, Southern China Block, and Tibetan Plateau, representing the frontier of the northeastward extrusion of the plateau. Data of gravimetry, aeromagnetic survey, and terrestrial heat flow are integrated to investigate the Moho depth, the Curie surface depth, and the thermal lithospheric thickness beneath the NETP and adjacent regions, which appear to be 30-70 km, 18-42 km, and 80-150 km, respectively. The gravity and the magnetic anomalies well reflect the spatial variation of tectonic structures. The NETP has a deep Moho but a shallow Curie surface. In contrast, the North China Plain, Ordos Basin and Yangtze Block have a reverse situation. The distributions of the Curie surface and heat flow both reveal that heat flow has north-eastwardly crossed the Qilian Mountain and has conducted into the Alxa Block. Moreover, the distribution of heat flow confirms that the Qinling Orogen behaviors as a heat channel (between Ordos Basin and Sichuan Basin) from Songpan-Ganzi Plateau to North China Plain. The eastward hot asthenosphere from the NETP may thin out the LAB beneath the North China Plain, as verified by the thinning thermal lithosphere there.



东北青藏高原(NETP)位于华北地块,华南地块和青藏高原之间的交汇处,代表了该高原东北向挤压的前沿。重力,航磁测量和地面热流的数据被整合在一起,以研究NETP及其附近地区的莫霍面深度,居里表面深度和热岩石圈厚度,它们看起来分别为30-70 km,18-42 km,和80-150公里。重力和磁异常很好地反映了构造结构的空间变化。NETP的Moho较深,但居里表面较浅。相反,华北平原,鄂尔多斯盆地和扬子地块则相反。居里表面和热流的分布都表明,热流已向东北穿过祁连山,并已传导到阿拉善地块。此外,热流的分布证实了秦岭造山带作为松潘—甘孜高原到华北平原的热通道(鄂尔多斯盆地与四川盆地之间)的行为。NETP向东的热流软流圈可能会使华北平原下方的LAB变薄,这一点已被那里的热岩石圈变薄所证实。
