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Spatial distribution of fungi from the analysis of aerobiological data with a gamma function
Aerobiologia ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s10453-021-09696-6
Andrés M. Vélez-Pereira , Concepción De Linares , Miguel Canela , Jordina Belmonte

Fungi are an important component of ecosystems. Some fungi are widely distributed, while others are limited to certain habitats. Studies based on airborne fungal spores can help to know the geographical distribution of fungi in the territory. Our aim was to show that a gamma probability density function (gpdf) based on a database of 20 airborne fungal spore taxa concentrations in eight localities of Catalonia (NE Spain) for a period of 20 years was a useful tool to map the distribution of these taxa in this region, as well as to establish a general classification on their sporulation through the alpha parameter of the validated model. This allows a more efficient study of the atmospheric dynamics of the different taxa, since the number of taxa is reduced to a representative taxon for each of the categories of the generic classification. In general, the results obtained confirmed that the scale parameter of the gamma distribution changes from year to year, depending on the meteorological conditions, while the shape parameter remains fairly stable. At the temporal scale, airborne fungal spores of Agrocybe sp. showed the highest stability; at the spatial scale, Cladosporium sp. showed the highest stability. Regarding localities, Girona was the station with greater interannual variation, while Barcelona and Vielha showed the lowest. In addition, the results obtained allowed a non-subjective classification of these taxa in five groups, based on the gamma (shape) parameter. The taxa Alternaria sp., Cladosporium sp., Ganoderma sp., Pleospora sp., Leptosphaeria sp., Aspergillus sp.-Penicillium sp. were cosmopolitan and showed a similar behavior across the whole study area, with any of them possible candidates for used in predictive models; airborne fungal spores of Agrocybe sp., Arthrinium sp., Epicoccum sp., Drechslera sp.–Helminthosporium sp., Pithomyces sp., Thelephoraceae, Stemphylium sp., Xylariaceae can be used as meteorological indicators and Agaricus sp., Coprinaceae sp., Torula sp. can be used as indicators of anthropogenic activities. The results obtained could be used to reduce the number of spore taxa analyzed and subsequently develop generic predictive models.



真菌是生态系统的重要组成部分。一些真菌分布广泛,而另一些则仅限于某些栖息地。基于空气传播的真菌孢子的研究可以帮助了解该地区真菌的地理分布。我们的目的是表明,基于一个数据库,该数据库基于加泰罗尼亚(西班牙东北)八个地区的20种空气传播的真菌孢子类群浓度的数据库,为期20年,它是绘制这些分布的有用工具该区域中的分类单元,并通过已验证模型的alpha参数对它们的孢子形成建立一般分类。这允许对不同分类单元的大气动力学进行更有效的研究,因为对于通用分类的每个类别,分类单元的数量都减少为代表分类单元。一般来说,得到的结果证实,伽马分布的尺度参数每年都在变化,这取决于气象条件,而形状参数保持相当稳定。在时间尺度上,空气传播的真菌孢子茶树属 表现出最高的稳定性;在空间尺度上,Cladosporium sp。显示出最高的稳定性。在地区方面,赫罗纳(Girona)是年度变化较大的车站,而巴塞罗那(Barcelona)和比耶(Vielha)则是最低的。另外,获得的结果允许基于gamma(形状)参数将这些分类单元分为五组进行非主观的分类。类群链格孢属,枝孢菌属,灵芝属,Pleospora属,属,曲霉sp.-青霉sp。具有世界性,并在整个研究区域内表现出相似的行为,其中任何一种都可能用于预测模型;的空气中的真菌孢子田头属,节菱属,附球菌属,德斯霉菌sp.-长蠕孢属,Pithomyces属,Thelephoraceae,匍柄霉属。 Xylariaceae可以用作气象指标,而属,Coprinaceae属。,托鲁拉sp。可用作人类活动的指标。获得的结果可用于减少所分析的孢子类群的数量,并随后建立通用的预测模型。
