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Costs and effectiveness of public and private fire management programs in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado
Forest Policy and Economics ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2021.102447
A.S. Oliveira , B.S. Soares-Filho , U. Oliveira , R. Van der Hoff , S.M. Carvalho-Ribeiro , A.R. Oliveira , L.C. Scheepers , B.A. Vargas , R.G. Rajão

There is a noted lack of information on the effectiveness of investments in forest fire management in Brazil. Here, we quantify the budget expenditures of one private and one public fire-management program. We then compare burned areas within conservation units (CUs) and private rural properties (PPs) with and without investments in fire management in the Brazilian Amazon and Cerrado biomes. Investments in fire management in CUs total US$ 0.51 ha−1 yr−1 in the Amazon and US$ 5.32 ha−1 yr−1 in the Cerrado. Roughly, 94% of the public investment in fire management in CUs is only assigned to suppression activities, although seven CUs in Cerrado have undertaken innovative Integrated Fire Management (IFM) that includes prevention practices. Cerrado CUs with brigades for fire suppression have reduced burned area by 12%, on average, compared with CUs without brigades. Further, CUs that also included prevention practices as part of IFM reduced burned areas by an additional 6% from CUs with only fire suppression practices. Investments in both fire prevention and suppression on private lands amounted to US$ 15.89 ha−1 yr−1. We identify a reduction of 50%, on average, in burned areas after PPs joined the fire mitigation program of Aliança da Terra. In face of increasingly disruptive wildfires alongside finite financial resources, we call for the need of a mix of cost-effective private and public fire management programs with strong emphasis on prevention practices.



注意到缺乏关于巴西森林火灾管理投资有效性的信息。在这里,我们量化了一项私人和一项公共消防管理计划的预算支出。然后,我们比较了在巴西亚马逊河和塞拉多生物群落中是否进行了火灾管理投资的自然保护区(CU)和农村私人财产(PP)内的烧毁区域。在亚马逊河的消防管理投资总额为0.51公顷- 1 年-1在亚马逊和5.32公顷- 1 年-1在塞拉多。尽管在Cerrado的七个CU进行了包括预防措施在内的创新性综合火灾管理(IFM),但大约CU中94%的公共消防管理公共投资仅用于灭火活动。与不带旅的CU相比,带有消防队的Cerrado CU的燃烧面积平均减少了12%。此外,还包括预防措施作为IFM一部分的CU比仅采用灭火措施的CU减少了6%的烧伤面积。私有土地上的防火和灭火投资达15.89美元公顷- 1 年-1。在PP参加了Aliançada Terra的灭火计划后,我们发现燃烧区域平均减少了50%。面对越来越多的破坏性野火以及有限的财政资源,我们呼吁需要结合具有成本效益的私人和公共消防管理计划,并特别强调预防措施。
