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Food Science and Technology Pub Date : 2021-03-18 , DOI: 10.1002/fsat.3501_16.x

An expedition into the future of food

The first thing to note about Future Foods by David McClements, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Food Science, University of Massachusetts, is that it is a kind of Cook's Tour of developments in food science and technology.

The book is wide ranging, presenting a wealth of knowledge and insight into food science and technology: past, present and future. The second thing to note is that the book appears, at first sight, not to be aimed particularly at the experienced food scientist or technologist, as it travels quickly through topics often without addressing substantial technical depth.

However, as one progresses through the work, even the food‐knowledgeable reader will find information and ideas that are new and stimulating. This said, the more expert reader may at times be left with a hunger for detail. The book is clearly written for a wide readership, inexpert and expert alike. But this is no disadvantage, as it serves well to open the mind to possibilities in the processing, modification and creation of food products. The third thing to note is that the book is written in the first person. Indeed, in places it presents an autobiographical tone, recalling, for instance, the author's early life and university education in England before, ultimately, shipping off to the New World and a life in cutting edge food science research.

The book covers food itself as a substance of nutritional importance, which also provides hedonic pleasures, the nature of which can be altered and manipulated by food science and technology. It delves into the workings of digestion, metabolism, diet and health, addressing possibilities in food design, nutraceuticals and personalised nutrition. In this respect the author has clearly set out to express ideas concerning not just what is, but also what might be. Indeed, as the journey progresses, the reader is ultimately taken into the topics of food biotechnology, nanotechnology and sustainability, with a nod to food ethics. The book itself is logically structured and well presented, using clear and easy to assimilate illustrations to enhance understanding. There are no significant material issues, such as typesetting errors to detract from the quality of the work.

Because of its breadth and the fact that it does not enter into the level of detail common to standard food science and technology texts, it is difficult to say who will gain the most benefit from what is clearly an inclusive work. The general food‐interested reader and serious foodie will find much of interest in Future Foods, and it will complement works by authors such as Michael Pollan, Tim Spector and Robert Lustig. This should not, though, deter the expert food scientist or technologist who seeks stimulation, ideas and thoughts about possible futures in food.

At 395 pages including references and a bibliography, Future Foods is a substantial read, although not complicated. For those studying food technology at school, or food science and technology at university, the book will provide much stimulation and an excellent overview of the subject area. It will also be of use to academics intending to broaden their thinking in relation to food and the extensive reference list may prove useful. For many in the food industry, Future Foods will also offer the potential to plug gaps in knowledge and to gain understanding of what the future may hold.

Future Foods is an easy, enjoyable read, but in terms of style one might gain the impression that the book was written quickly. There are passages in which the phrasing could be improved and there are elements of repetition, particularly in relation to autobiographical detail. But these points do not detract from the value of the work and there is much to be gained from the expedition it offers into the future of food.




Author David Julian McClements

Publisher Springer Nature Switzerland AG

Price £24.99 (paperback) at Waterstones

ISBN 978‐3‐030‐12994‐1


Reviewer Ralph Early, F.R.S.B, F.I.F.S.T, F.Inst.M,

Independent Food Scientist, Food Ethicist and Food Writer Formerly, Professor of Food Industry, Harper Adams University.



Article available online at onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fsat.3501_16.x




马萨诸塞州大学食品科学系杰出教授David McClements关于未来食品的第一件事要注意的是,这是库克在食品科学与技术发展中的一种旅行。




由于它的广度以及它没有进入标准食品科学和技术文本所共有的细节层次的事实,很难说谁将从显然是一项包容性工作中获得最大利益。对食品感兴趣的一般读者和忠实的美食家将会对Future Foods感兴趣,这将补充Michael Pollan,Tim Spector和Robert Lustig等作家的作品。但是,这不应阻止要寻求有关食品未来可能的刺激,想法和想法的专业食品科学家或技术专家。

Future Foods长达395页,包括参考文献和参考书目,虽然不复杂,但可以阅读大量内容。对于那些在学校学习食品技术或在大学学习食品科学与技术的人来说,这本书将提供很多启发,并很好地概述了该主题领域。它也将用于打算扩大其与食品有关的思想的学者,并且广泛的参考文献清单可能被证明是有用的。对于食品行业中的许多人来说,未来食品还将提供填补知识空白并加深对未来前景的理解的潜力。

《 Future Foods》是一本轻松有趣的书,但是从风格上来说,它可能会给人以为这本书写得很快的印象。有一些段落可以改善措辞,并且有重复的元素,特别是在自传细节方面。但是,这些要点并不影响工作的价值,而且从远征军到粮食的未来将有很多收获。





出版商Springer Nature Switzerland AG

Waterstones售价£24.99 (平装)

ISBN 978‐3‐030‐12994‐1


审稿人Ralph Early,FRSB,FIFST,F.Inst.M




