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Thermodynamic Properties and Optical Absorption of Polaron in Monolayer Graphene Under Laser Field
Journal of Low Temperature Physics ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10909-021-02586-8
C. Kenfack-Sadem , F. C. Fobasso Mbognou , A. J. Fotue , M. N. Hounkonnou , D. Akay , L. C. Fai

In this work, we use the variational method to investigate thermal properties and optical absorption of polaron in monolayer graphene under laser field. We have shown that the energies and the optical absorption of the system strongly depend on laser parameters and graphene characteristics. We found that the simple model adopted to calculate the optical absorption is enough accurate and interesting to investigate the optical absorption coefficient of the polarons in graphene. We observe that the laser assists the polaron in the optical absoprtion phenomenon. We observe that temperature, the coupling between electron and quantum of lattice vibration, laser parameters and wave number affect the disorder in the system. Contrary to temperature, the laser increases the disorder in the system. At low temperature, the polaronic system becomes decoherent for low values of wave number and gains coherency for high values of wave number. In addition, the coherence of the system is not significantly affected by the laser field but there is a considerable change at higher temperatures. We also observed that laser increases the capacity of system to store energy.



在这项工作中,我们使用变分法研究激光场下单层石墨烯中极化子的热性质和光吸收。我们已经表明,系统的能量和光吸收在很大程度上取决于激光参数和石墨烯特性。我们发现,用于计算光吸收的简单模型足够准确且有趣,可以研究石墨烯中极化子的光吸收系数。我们观察到激光在光吸收现象中辅助极化子。我们观察到温度,电子与晶格振动量子之间的耦合,激光参数和波数会影响系统的无序性。与温度相反,激光会增加系统的混乱度。在低温下 对于波数低的值,极化子系统会退相干,而对于波数高的值,极化子系统会保持相干性。另外,系统的相干性不受激光场的影响很大,但是在较高温度下会有相当大的变化。我们还观察到激光增加了系统存储能量的能力。
