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Women in Zimbabwean Politics Post-November 2017
Journal of Asian and African Studies ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-18 , DOI: 10.1177/0021909620986576
Sandra Bhatasara 1 , Manase Kudzai Chiweshe 1

This article analyses the dynamics underpinning formal political institutions in relation to women’s participation in Zimbabwe, with a focus on the post November 2017 context. Patriarchal continuities and not changes characterize the post-November period. Under the “new dispensation”, patriarchy, intertwined with the increase in militarized masculinities, is producing exclusion with limited spaces for women’s participation. Simultaneously, Zimbabwean women at times have been destabilizing political spaces, while also being complicit in reproducing patriarchal practices and violence. The military-assisted transition is significant because of the fall of Grace Mugabe and the broader implications of this for women and politics in Zimbabwe.



本文分析了与妇女参与津巴布韦有关的正式政治制度的动态,重点是2017年11月后的情况。宗法的连续性和不变性是十一月后时期的特征。在“新政权”下,父权制与军事化的男性气质交织在一起,导致排斥妇女,妇女的参与空间有限。同时,津巴布韦妇女有时破坏了政治空间的稳定,同时也同化了重男轻女的习俗和暴力行为。由于格蕾丝·穆加贝(Grace Mugabe)的倒台及其对津巴布韦妇女和政治的广泛影响,军事协助的过渡意义重大。
