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The Collectio Avellana and its Revivals ed. by Rita Lizzi Testa and Giulia Marconi (review)
Journal of Late Antiquity ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-18
Philippe Blaudeau

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • The Collectio Avellana and its Revivals ed. by Rita Lizzi Testa and Giulia Marconi
  • Philippe Blaudeau
The Collectio Avellana and its Revivals
Rita Lizzi Testa and Giulia Marconi, eds.
Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019. Pp. xxxiii + 650. ISBN: 978-1-52-752150-6

As its first scientific editor, Otto Günther, rightly pointed out in 1895, the Collectio Avellana forms a remarkable ensemble, a “corpus insigne.” Comprised of 244 documents, the vast majority of it offers first-rate pontifical and imperial documentation, ranging from the Ursinian schism under the pontificate of Damasus (367 ce) to the Constitutum of Pope Vigilius (553 ce). Better still, the Collectio Avellana provides access to two hundred texts that are otherwise unavailable. It has been passed down to us through two major manuscripts dating to the late eleventh or early twelfth century: the Vaticanus Latinus 3787 (copied in the monastery of Polirone on the initiative of Anselm of Lucca) and its apographer, Vaticanus Latinus 4961, transcribed in the abbey of Nonantola, and soon thereafter sent to the monastery of the Holy Cross in Fonte Avellana. This last place explains the name given to the collection by the Ballerini brothers in the mid-eighteenth century.

Recently studied for its own sake alone, the collection has given rise to two collective initiatives, the first launched by Alexander Evers (in the form of two colloquia in Rome in 2011 and 2013) and the second conceived and implemented by Rita Lizzi Testa from 2014 onwards. Culminating in a scholarly meeting at Perugia-Gubbio in September 2016, this undertaking resulted in the present volume, which follows the publication of a first set of contributions in a special issue of Cristianesimo nella storia 39 (2018). The volume reviewed here includes translations of six articles already published in part in this journal (those of Evers, Moreau, Verardi, Vilella, Palma with Crociani, and Marconi), along with eighteen new contributions. Most essays are written in English, although three other languages are also used: Italian (Margutti, Castello, Orlandi, Sardella), German (Szidat) and French (Perrin). As a whole, the volume shows only a few formal imperfections, and it does not primarily aim to establish the historical framework or the political significance of the most significant texts in the collection. Rather, its aim is to study the Avellana in its entirety in order to understand the conditions and the reasons for its formation, to identify its probable date of composition, and to examine its structure. To these ends, the volume successfully verifies the hypotheses put forward with regard to the identity of its compiler. It also considers the Avellana’s Fortleben and the interest it may have held for subsequent canon-ists who were part of the profound Gregorian reform movement, such as Peter Damian perhaps and Anselm de Lucca for sure.

As a whole, the volume is divided into three parts of unequal length. The first, entitled “The Collectio and its Materials” (2–258), presents twelve analytical chapters which are organized thematically according to the major articu lations of the collection (e.g., Ursinian schism, Pelagianism, relationship to the East under the pontificate of Hormisdas). The second part, which is divided into ten chapters, is entitled “Between Imperial Episcopal and Episcopal Chanceries: The Notarii and the Compilers” (260–505). [End Page 168] Pointedly technical in focus, it concentrates on the question of archives, with interest given to developments such as the schola notariorum (Castello). The second part also includes essays that compare the Collectio Avellana with other great collections, such as Cassiodorus’s Variae (Bjornlie), the Collectiones Dionysianae (Sardella), and Cresconius’s Concordia canonum (Perrin). Finally, the third and shortest part with only two chapters, “Medieval Revivals” (508–63), presents a codicological approach to the two manuscripts of the Avellana in order to better characterize their practical use. Although the book does not contain a conclusion, index, or map, it does include numerous documentary tables and an almost exhaustive bibliography (564–641).

On some occasions, contributions on the same topic ignore one another (for example: on the Pelagian dossier with respect to Marcos’s and Di Berardino’s chapters, or with regard to Ronzani’s and Orlandi’s...


Collectio Avellana及其复兴版。Rita Lizzi Testa和Giulia Marconi撰写(评论)



  • Collectio Avellana及其复兴版。丽塔·丽兹·塔斯塔(Rita Lizzi Testa)和朱莉娅·马可尼(Giulia Marconi)
  • 菲利普·布劳多(Philippe Blaudeau)
ř ITA大号IZZI Ť ESTA和G尤利亚中号arconi
英国纽卡斯尔:剑桥学者出版社,2019年。页。xxxiii +650。ISBN:978-1-52-752150-6

正如其第一位科学编辑奥托·冈瑟(OttoGünther)于1895年正确指出的那样,Collegeio Avellana形成了杰出的合奏,即“语料库”。它由244份文件组成,其中绝大部分提供一流的宗庙和皇室文献,从达马苏斯神甫下的乌尔西尼亚分裂(367 ce)到维吉留斯教皇宪法(553 ce)不等。更妙的是,Collectio Avellana提供了对200文本的访问权限,否则这些文本将不可用。它已通过两个可追溯到十一世纪末或十二世纪初的主要手稿传给我们:梵蒂冈3787(在卢卡的安塞姆的倡议下在Polirone修道院中复制)及其速记员Vaticanus Latinus 4961,抄录在Nonantola修道院中,此后不久被送往Fonte Avellana的圣十字修道院。最后一个地方说明了18世纪中叶Ballerini兄弟赋予该系列的名称。

最近,仅出于自身目的进行研究,该收藏已引发了两项集体行动,第一项行动由亚历山大·埃弗斯(Alexander Evers)发起(以2011年和2013年在罗马举行的两次座谈会的形式),第二项由Rita Lizzi Testa于2014年构思并实施。向前。在2016年9月在佩鲁贾-古比奥举行的一次学术会议中,这项工作最终产生了成果,紧随其后的是《Cristianesimo nella storia》一期特刊的第一集发表39(2018)。本书的内容包括六本已部分发表在该期刊上的文章(Evers,Moreau,Verardi,Vilella,Palma和Crociani以及M​​arconi的译本),以及十八篇新文章。大多数论文都是用英语撰写的,尽管也使用了三种其他语言:意大利语(Margutti,Castello,Orlandi,Sardella),德语(Szidat)和法语(Perrin)。总体而言,该书卷仅显示出一些形式上的瑕疵,并且其主要目的不是建立馆藏中最重要著作的历史框架或政治意义。相反,它的目的是研究Avellana为了了解其形成的条件和原因,确定其可能的组成日期,并检查其结构,从整体上进行了研究。为此,本书成功地验证了有关其编译器身份的假设。它还考虑到了阿韦拉纳(Avellana)的福尔特本(Fortleben)》及其对后来参加格里高利改革运动的佳能主义者的兴趣,这些人当然是彼得·达米安(Peter Damian)和安塞姆·德卢卡(Anselm de Lucca)所为。

总体而言,该卷分为三个长度不等的部分。第一,题为“收藏品和材料”(2-258),礼物被组织主题根据收集的主要articu办法第十四(12个分析性章节如Ursinian分裂,伯拉纠,对教皇下关系到东Hormisdas)。第二部分共分为十章,标题为“圣公会与圣公会之间:公证人与编译者”(260-505)。[结束第168页]着眼于技术,它集中于档案问题,并关注诸如schola notariorum(Castello)之类的发展。第二部分还包括比较阿维拉纳(Collegeio Avellana)以及其他出色的收藏,例如卡西奥多罗斯(Cassiodorus)的瓦里亚(Variae)(Bjornlie),狄奥尼西亚纳Collections Dionysianae)(Sardella)和克雷斯科纽斯(Cresconius)的康科迪亚(Corcordia canonum)(佩林)。最后,只有两章的第三部分也是最短的部分,“中世纪复兴”(508-63),提出了对Avellana的两篇手稿的修辞学方法,以便更好地表征它们的实际使用。尽管该书没有结论,索引或地图,但确实包含许多文献表和几乎详尽的参考书目(564–641)。

在某些情况下,同一主题上的文稿会相互忽略(例如:关于Pelagian的档案,关于Marcos和Di Berardino的章节,或者关于Ronzani和Orlandi的章节)。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。的。
