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Visual Studies ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-18 , DOI: 10.1080/1472586x.2021.1889401
Samer Angelone

Throughout the history of filmmaking, storyboarding has been used to pre-visualise films and help with production. Here I propose a new film visualisation tool to complement storyboarding, which I call ‘Storyboardgraphy’ and define as a ‘film pre- and post-visualization tool showing shot sizes and lengths along a timeline’. A storyboardgraphic consists of two axes, with the X-axis representing the scene timeline, the Y-axis the size of the shots, and the characters depicted as recognisable curves. Storyboardgraphy is an excellent way of visualising a) shot sizes/lengths in a simple graphic; b) shot pacing (changes in the lengths of shots over the film timeline); and c) the dynamic of shot sizes (the order of shots along the scene timeline), which are not easily perceived on a conventional storyboard. Therefore storyboardgraphy is of huge interest, not only for pre-visualisation and production, but also for post-visualisation when editing, teaching film-making and studying film.



纵观电影制作的历史,故事板一直被用于电影的预可视化和帮助制作。在这里,我提出了一种新的电影可视化工具来补充故事板,我称之为“故事板”并定义为“电影前和后可视化工具,显示沿时间轴的镜头大小和长度”。故事板图形由两个轴组成,X 轴代表场景时间线,Y 轴代表镜头的大小,角色描绘为可识别的曲线。故事板是一种很好的可视化方式: a) 在简单图形中的镜头大小/长度;b) 镜头节奏(电影时间轴上镜头长度的变化);c) 镜头大小的动态(沿场景时间轴的镜头顺序),这在传统的故事板中不易察觉。因此情节提要引起了极大的兴趣,
