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Boundaries of the Stranger
European Journal of Scandinavian Studies ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1515/ejss-2020-2006
Søren Blak Hjortshøj 1

In recent cosmopolitan work, scholars such as Julia Kristeva, Zygmunt Bauman, Jacques Derrida, and Ulrich Beck have represented the stranger as a universal ideal for our global age and Georg Simmel’s stranger in the Exkurs über den Fremden has been emphasized as a model for this ideal. While these uses can be justified by generalized passages in Simmel’s essay, they still omit the problem of European Jewish historical exemplarity. Thus, in the decades before Simmel’s essay, this stranger type was already a well-developed figure related to the so-called Jewish question. Georg Brandes and Henrik Pontoppidan used the Jewish stranger to evaluate the societal changes of the fin-de-siècle period and questions of progress vs. decay. Yet, their work limited the stranger to a specific type of Jewishness not including other marginal existences. Hence, reading Simmel with Brandes and Pontoppidan outlines the boundaries of this stranger type as it raises questions regarding recent cosmopolitan uses of Simmel’s stranger.



在最近的国际化工作中,朱莉娅·克里斯蒂娃(Julia Kristeva),齐格蒙特·鲍曼(Zygmunt Bauman),雅克·德里达(Jacques Derrida)和乌尔里希·贝克(Ulrich Beck)等学者已将陌生人视为全球时代的普遍理想,而乔治·西梅尔(Georg Simmel)的陌生人则在Exkursüberden Fremden中得到强调。理想的。尽管可以通过西梅尔论文中的概括性文章来证明这些用法是合理的,但它们仍然忽略了欧洲犹太人历史上的典型性问题。因此,在西梅尔发表论文之前的几十年中,这种陌生人类型已经是与所谓的犹太问题相关的发达的人物。乔治·布兰德斯(Georg Brandes)和亨里克·蓬托皮丹(Henrik Pontoppidan)使用犹太人来评估鳍末期的社会变化以及进步与衰落的问题。然而,他们的工作将陌生人限制为一种特定的犹太人形式,不包括其他边缘存在。因此,