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Envisioning Justice: From Local to Global
International Criminal Justice Review ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-17 , DOI: 10.1177/10575677211001434
Stefan Schumann 1 , Vesna Markovic 2 , Yuliya Zabyelina 3

In spring 2019, the International Section of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) called for papers on international aspects of criminal justice relating (nonexhaustively) to transnational crime(s), migration and criminal justice, war and criminal justice, globalized economy and criminal justice, comparative criminal justice. The call for papers was titled “Envisioning Justice: From Local to Global”—which one might think is a rather broad title. Yet, the chosen topic was not only the overarching theme of the 2019 annual meeting of the ACJS, scheduled to be held in March 2020 in San Antonio, but it was also a call for the International Section of the ACJS (ACJS IS) to showcase truly outstanding research on international and comparative criminal justice produced by its members. The response to the call was impressive and we were pleased to receive a plethora of high-quality submissions to the special issue.



2019年春季,刑事司法科学院国际分会(ACJS)呼吁就(非详尽地)与跨国犯罪,移民与刑事司法,战争与刑事司法,战争与刑事司法,全球化的经济和刑事司法,比较刑事司法。征集论文的标题为“构想正义:从地方到全球”,人们可能会认为这是一个相当广泛的标题。然而,选定的主题不仅是计划于2020年3月在圣安东尼奥举行的ACJS 2019年度会议的总体主题,而且还呼吁ACJS国际部(ACJS IS)展示其成员就国际和比较刑事司法所做的真正杰出的研究。