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Predictive Validity of the HCR-20V3 With Incarcerated Males in Mexico City
Criminal Justice and Behavior ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-17 , DOI: 10.1177/0093854821997520
Alicia Nijdam-Jones 1 , Eric García-López 2 , Libertad Merchan-Rojas 3 , Aura Ruiz Guarneros 2 , Barry Rosenfeld 1

This prospective study investigated the predictive validity of the Historical-Clinical-Risk Management–20, Version 3 (HCR-20V3) in a sample of incarcerated males in a Mexico City prison. Data were collected from 114 male adults incarcerated in a medium-security prison in Mexico City. Participants were an average of 36.86 years old (SD = 9.93 years) and were all born in Mexico. Data collection for HCR-20V3 ratings involved clinical interviews and a review of institutional documents. Aggressive incidents for a 3-month period following each completed risk assessment were collected through document review, self-report follow-up interviews, and guard reports. Participants who engaged in institutional violence during the 3-month follow-up period were given significantly higher summary risk ratings and had higher HCR-20 total scores than the participants who did not engage in violence (area under the curve [AUC] ranged from .71 to .77). The study demonstrated support for the cross-cultural utility of the HCR-20V3 for institutional violence in a Mexican prison.


墨西哥城HCR-20 V3男性被囚禁的预测有效性

这项前瞻性研究调查了墨西哥城监狱中被监禁的男性样本中“ Historical-Clinical-Risk Management-20”(第3版)(HCR-20 V3)的预测有效性。数据来自在墨西哥城一所中等安全监狱中关押的114名男性成年人。参与者的平均年龄为36.86岁(SD = 9.93岁),都出生在墨西哥。HCR-20 V3的数据收集评分涉及临床访谈和机构文件审查。每次完成风险评估后的3个月内,通过文件审查,自我报告跟进访谈和警卫报告收集了侵略性事件。在3个月的随访期内参与机构暴力的参与者,其总体危险等级明显高于未参与暴力的参与者,其HCR-20总分也较高(曲线下区域[AUC]的范围为。 71至.77)。该研究证明了HCR-20 V3在墨西哥监狱中对机构暴力的跨文化实用性的支持。
