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Burying Friend and Foe: The Employment of German Prisoners of War in the Construction of Military Cemeteries in Normandy after 6 June 1944
International Journal of Military History and Historiography ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-20 , DOI: 10.1163/24683302-03802004
Valentin Schneider 1

The history of the German prisoners of war of World War II held by British and American authorities in Europe remains a field of study that is largely ignored by historiography. Although the Allies made an extended use of this prisoner manpower for labour purposes, employing hundreds of thousands of captive German soldiers for all kinds of tasks, all but a few material traces of the prisoners’ life and activities in liberated Europe have vanished. An exception to this are several British, American, and German military cemeteries, especially in Normandy, many of which had been built during or immediately after the battle using the workforce of thousands of German soldiers that had been captured in the region during the summer of 1944. This article examines the general organization of the Allied labour service for German prisoners in Normandy and focuses especially on their work on the military cemeteries, before addressing the question of the memory – or rather the absence of memory – of this process, not only in Normandy itself (and in the United States and Great Britain), but also in German society.



二战战争的德国战俘的历史II英国和美国当局在欧洲所拥有的研究领域仍然被史学广泛忽略。尽管同盟国广泛地利用了这种囚徒的劳动目的,雇用了数十万俘虏的德国士兵来执行各种任务,但除少数囚徒在被解放的欧洲的生活和活动的痕迹外,一切都消失了。唯一的例外是英国,美国和德国的几座军事公墓,特别是在诺曼底,这些公墓是在战斗期间或战后立即建立的,其使用的是在2000年夏季在该地区被俘的数千名德国士兵的劳动力。 1944年。本文考察了盟军为诺曼底的德国囚犯提供劳务的总体组织,尤其着重于他们在军事墓地上的工作,
