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The Curious Case of the Blasphemer: Ambiguity as Literary Device in Leviticus 24:10-23
Horizons In Biblical Theology ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-22 , DOI: 10.1163/18712207-12341385
Chelcent Fuad 1

This article argues that, instead of the nature of the crime or its punishment, the underlying problem that needs oracular law in the account of the blasphemer in Lev 24:10-23 is the ambiguity of the criminal’s identity. This ambiguity is employed in the narrative as a literary device by which the redactor of the narrative introduces the universal applicability of the blasphemy law that includes both natives and foreigners. By so doing, the redactor of Lev 24 serves the Holiness Code’s theological agenda, namely, the extension of holiness to all inhabitants of the land since pollution of the land by any of its inhabitants may eventually cause the expulsion of the whole people from the land. To this end, the redactor rewrites the Covenant Code and frames it with the narrative of the mixed-pedigree blasphemer.



本文认为,除利未记24:10-23中亵渎者之说外,需要口头定律的根本问题不是犯罪的性质或其刑罚,而是罪犯身份的模棱两可。叙事中的歧义被用作一种文学手段,叙事的编纂者通过叙事者引入了包括本地人和外国人在内的亵渎法的普遍适用性。这样一来,Lev 24的编辑者就为《圣洁守则》的神学议程服务,即将圣洁性扩展到该土地上的所有居民,因为任何一个居民污染该土地最终都可能导致全体人民被驱逐出该土地。 。为此,编纂者重写了《盟约守则》,并以混合谱系亵渎者的叙述为框架。
