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Development of Science Teachers’ PCK About Waves Through Training in the Use of the Ripple Tank Apparatus
African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-17 , DOI: 10.1080/18117295.2021.1892331
Bronia Roxane Vollebregt 1 , Estelle Gaigher 1 , Coréne Coetzee 1

This study investigated the effect of in-service training in the use of the ripple tank equipment on science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) about the topic of waves. Three Grade 10 Physical Sciences teachers participated in this qualitative case study. The Refined Consensus Model informed the conceptual framework of this study, considering PCK at a topic level within each of the three realms of PCK. The training exposed teachers to the collective realm of PCK with the intention of developing their personal PCK about the topic. Teachers’ personal PCK was explored by means of written Content Representations before as well as after the training. After the training, teachers’ enacted PCK was observed and video-recorded while teaching the topic of waves to their learners. Pedagogical reasoning was elicited through video stimulated recall interviews. The post-training interviews also provided insight into participants’ general views about the in-service training. The results show that the participants’ personal PCK improved and that some of the content and skills taught during in-service training were utilized in the enacted PCK of two of the participants, particularly regarding conceptual teaching strategies. Least improvement occurred for the component of teachers’ knowledge of learners’ understanding. We found evidence that teachers’ beliefs influence their pedagogical reasoning, acting as amplifiers and filters to translate newly acquired personal PCK into enacted PCK: teachers who prioritise hands-on experiences and teaching for understanding as opposed to rote learning are more receptive to training in the use of apparatus. The study therefore shows that training in the use of the ripple tank equipment improved in unique ways each of the teachers’ PCK about waves.



本研究调查了在职培训使用波纹水箱设备对科学教师有关波浪主题的教学内容知识 (PCK) 的影响。三名 10 年级物理科学教师参加了这个定性案例研究。Refined Consensus Model 为本研究的概念框架提供了信息,在 PCK 的三个领域中的每一个领域都在主题级别考虑了 PCK。培训让教师接触到 PCK 的集体领域,目的是发展他们关于该主题的个人 PCK。教师在培训前后通过书面内容陈述的方式探索个人PCK。培训结束后,在向学习者教授波浪主题的同时,观察并录制了教师制定的PCK。教学推理是通过视频刺激回忆访谈引发的。培训后的访谈还深入了解了参与者对在职培训的总体看法。结果表明,参与者的个人 PCK 有所提高,并且在两名参与者的已制定 PCK 中使用了在职培训期间教授的一些内容和技能,尤其是在概念教学策略方面。教师对学习者理解的知识成分的改进最少。我们发现有证据表明教师的信念会影响他们的教学推理,充当放大器和过滤器,将新获得的个人 PCK 转化为制定的 PCK:与死记硬背相比,优先考虑实践经验和教学以促进理解的教师更容易接受使用仪器的培训。因此,该研究表明,使用波纹槽设备的培训以独特的方式提高了每位教师关于波浪的 PCK。
