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Pre-Migration Status, Social Capital, and the Educational Aspirations of Children of Immigrants in Disadvantaged Swedish Schools
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-17 , DOI: 10.1080/00313831.2021.1897878
Olav Nygård 1


High aspirations can be an important factor for educational attainment, especially for youth in disadvantaged schools who are otherwise more likely to leave school early. In this article, I study the relationships between pre-migration status, social capital, and educational aspirations among youth in disadvantaged Swedish schools, using data on 960 students collected in 2014. Regression results showed that access to social capital was related to pre-migration status, and that both factors contributed to high university aspirations among children of immigrants, partly through high expectations from parents. The findings consequently show how post-migration resources and outcomes relate to pre-migration factors, challenging the destination country bias that is often present in studies on immigrants and their children.




远大志向可能是教育成就的一个重要因素,尤其是对弱势学校的年轻人来说,否则他们更有可能提前离开学校。在本文中,我使用 2014 年收集的 960 名学生的数据,研究了瑞典弱势学校青年的移民前状况、社会资本和教育愿望之间的关系。回归结果表明,获得社会资本与移民前有关地位,并且这两个因素促成了移民子女对大学的高抱负,部分原因是父母的高期望。因此,研究结果显示了移民后资源和结果与移民前因素的关系,挑战了移民及其子女研究中经常出现的目的地国家偏见。
