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Nodal line estimates for the second Dirichlet eigenfunction
Journal of Spectral Theory ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.4171/jst/342
Thomas Beck 1 , Yaiza Canzani 2 , Jeremy Marzuola 2

We study the nodal curves of low energy Dirichlet eigenfunctions in generalized curvilinear quadrilaterals. The techniques can be seen as a generalization of the tools developed by Grieser–Jerison in a series of works on convex planar domains and rectangles with one curved edge and a large aspect ratio. Here, we study the structure of the nodal curve in greater detail, in that we find precise bounds on its curvature, with uniform estimates up to the two points where it meets the domain at right angles, and show that many of our results hold for relatively small aspect ratios of the side lengths. We also discuss applications of our results to Courant-sharp eigenfunctions and spectral partitioning.


