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Reasons, Rationalization, and Rationality
Philosophia ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s11406-021-00350-6
Erhan Demircioglu

In this paper, I provide an answer to the question “what is it for a reason to be the reason for which a belief is held?” After arguing against the causal account of the reason-for-which connection, I present what I call the rationalization account, according to which a reason R a subject S has for a belief P is the reason for which S holds P just in case R is the premise in S’s rationalization for P, where the argument from R to P becomes S’s rationalization in virtue of her endorsing it. In order to bring explicitly into view the version of the rationalization account I aim to argue for, I draw two distinctions, one between occurrent and dispositional endorsement and the other between personal and public endorsement. I show that the version of the rationalization account thus clarified receives intuitive support from various cases and survives some formidable objections that might be tempting to level against it.



在本文中,我对以下问题提供了答案:“出于某种原因成为持有信念的原因是什么?” 在针对原因联系的因果关系论证之后,我提出了我所谓的合理化论证,据此,被摄对象S因信念P而具有的原因R是S持有P的原因,以防万一R是S对P进行合理化的前提,其中从R到P的论据成为S对S的合理化认可它。为了清楚地说明我要主张的合理化说明的版本,我画出了两个区别,一个是发生性认可和性格认可之间的区别,另一个是个人和公共认可之间的区别。我表明,如此澄清的合理化账目版本在各种情况下都得到了直观的支持,并且幸免了一些可能试图与之抗衡的强大反对意见。
