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An optical fiber-based monitoring system to study the seepage flow below the landside toe of a river levee
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s13349-021-00475-y
Simonetta Cola , Veronica Girardi , Silvia Bersan , Paolo Simonini , Luca Schenato , Fabio De Polo

The development of innovative monitoring systems to mitigate the risk associated to river levee failure is a recent challenge involving synergic effort of public institutions, specialized companies and academics. The present study examines a 350 m stretch of Adige river levees, located in the Province of Bolzano (Italy) close to the village of Salorno, interested in the recent past by moderate piping phenomena and subjected to subsequent interventions for seepage control (cut-off diaphragm wall). As is customary, the levee body and its foundation soil were investigated through geophysical and geotechnical surveys. The arising results provided a multi-dimensional characterization of the levee and the nearby soil water-meadows likely to be affected by preferential paths for piping. The detection of those paths entailed the joined use of piezometers and distributed optical fiber sensing (DFOS) system, the latter installed in a shallow trench on the landside. In the last days of October 2018, Northeastern Italy was hit by a tremendous storm and the Adige river was subjected to a relevant double flooding event. This exceptional circumstance, entirely recorded by the monitoring system, gives the chance to provide insight into the seepage process undermining the levee stability.



开发新的监控系统以减轻与河堤倒塌相关的风险是最近的挑战,涉及公共机构,专业公司和学者的协同努力。本研究调查了位于意大利博尔扎诺省,靠近Salorno村的一段350 m的阿迪杰河堤防,该堤坝对萨洛尔诺村的近期状况很感兴趣,并通过适度的管道现象对近来产生了兴趣,并对其进行了后续干预以控制渗流(切断)隔膜墙)。按照惯例,通过地球物理和岩土勘测对堤防主体及其基础土壤进行了调查。产生的结果提供了堤坝和附近土壤水位的多维特征,这些水位可能会受到优先铺设管道的影响。对这些路径的检测需要结合使用压力计和分布式光纤传感(DFOS)系统,后者安装在陆地上的浅沟槽中。在2018年10月的最后几天,意大利东北部遭受一场巨大的风暴袭击,阿迪杰河遭受了一次相关的两次洪灾事件。监视系统完全记录的这种异常情况使您有机会深入了解渗流过程,从而破坏了堤防的稳定性。
