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“The stiletto in Putin’s side”: Analyzing Russian media coverage of the only female presidential candidate in 2018
Journal of International and Intercultural Communication ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-16 , DOI: 10.1080/17513057.2021.1896023
Maria Shpeer 1 , Lindsey Meeks 1


Ksenia Sobchak, the only female candidate to make it to Election Day in the 2018 Russian presidential elections, faced many gender and political hurdles. We conducted quantitative content-analysis of Russian media coverage to see whether coverage added to these challenges. Using social role theory, we discussed how the five most popular Russian online news outlets labeled Sobchak, covered political issues and character traits. The results showed that news outlets used more legitimizing than delegitimizing labels, emphasized masculine issues and feminine traits. Comparing “credible” and tabloid press revealed mixed findings and highlights how outlets within these categories can differ in Russia.




Ksenia Sobchak 是 2018 年俄罗斯总统选举中唯一参加选举日的女性候选人,她面临着许多性别和政治障碍。我们对俄罗斯媒体报道进行了定量内容分析,以了解报道是否增加了这些挑战。使用社会角色理论,我们讨论了五个最受欢迎的俄罗斯在线新闻媒体如何标记为 Sobchak,涵盖政治问题和性格特征。结果表明,新闻媒体使用的标签合法化多于非合法化标签,强调男性问题和女性特征。比较“可信”媒体和小报媒体揭示了不同的结果,并突出了这些类别中的网点在俄罗斯的不同之处。
