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Modeling oil palm crop for Brazilian climate conditions
Agricultural Systems ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103130
Victor Hugo Benezoli , Hewlley Maria Acioli Imbuzeiro , Santiago Vianna Cuadra , Michel Anderson Almeida Colmanetti , Alessandro Carioca de Araújo , Christian Stiegler , Sérgio Yoshimitsu Motoike


The increasing world demand for palm oil led to the expansion of oil palm plantations, especially in the new lands in Southeast Asia, the main producing region in the world. The expansion of oil palm plantations has also occurred in Latin American countries, such as Brazil. Roughly 400 million hectares in Brazil are suitable for the planting of oil palm, but most of this area is currently covered by forest, mainly by the Amazon Rainforest. Climate change has reduced the extent of land suitable for oil palm cultivation in Brazil since under unfavorable climatic conditions, crop yields are reduced. To reconcile the increase in oil palm production in Brazil with the preservation of forests, modeling has been used as a tool to define the best suitable areas for planting expansion, as well as for the assessment of management techniques that aim to increase the yield.


Thus, the object of this study was to implement the oil palm crop sub-model in the ECOSMOS integrated simulator and to evaluate its performance to simulate oil palm energy and carbon balance and the crop yield.


The carbon allocation scheme for oil palm is quite different from the other crops of ECOSMOS. So, we use the sub-PFT (plant functional type) approach, where each phytomer in the plant evolves simultaneously, but individually.

RESULTS AND Conclusions

The results showed that the model was able to simulate net radiation (Rn), latent heat flux (LE), and net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) with good accuracy. In contrast, the sensible heat flux (H) was not well simulated due to the lack of information on the soil's physical-hydric properties. The model simulated accurately the annual yield for plants aged between 12 and 25 years, whereas the yield was overestimated for plants aged outside this range. Also, the model better simulated the yield of genetic varieties with seasonal yield, compared to varieties with more uniform yield over the months.


The robust and consistent results presented for most of the evaluated processes, especially for energy and carbon fluxes, make the oil palm sub-model described here suitable for improve the oil palm production in Brazil. For future studies, efforts should be directed to consider key factors for oil palm, such as the ratio between male and female inflorescences and the abortion rate of inflorescences, which affect crop yield, for a better understanding of the oil palm growth and production.










结果表明,该模型能够较好地模拟净辐射(Rn),潜热通量(LE)和净生态系统CO 2交换(NEE)。相反,由于缺乏有关土壤物理水合特性的信息,因此无法很好地模拟显热通量(H)。该模型准确地模拟了12至25岁之间的植物的年产量,而超出该范围的植物的产量被高估了。此外,与几个月内单产均匀的品种相比,该模型更好地模拟了季节性单产的遗传品种的产量。


