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Artificial Intelligence for a Fair, Just, and Equitable World
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-15 , DOI: 10.1109/mts.2021.3056292
Angeles Manjarres , Celia Fernandez-Aller , Maite Lopez-Sanchez , Juan Antonio Rodriguez-Aguilar , Manuel Sierra Castaner

From the 1970s onward, we started to dream of the leisure society in which, thanks to technological progress and consequent increase in productivity, working hours would be minimized and we would all live in abundance. We all could devote our time almost exclusively to personal relationships, contact with nature, sciences, the arts, playful activities, and so on. Today, this utopia seems more unattainable than it did then. Since the 21st century, we have seen inequalities increasingly accentuated: of the increase in wealth in the United States between 2006 and 2018, adjusted for inflation and population growth, more than 87% went to the richest 10% of the population, and the poorest 50% lost wealth [1] . Following the crisis of 2008, social inequalities, rights violations, planetary degradation, and the climate emergency worsened and increased (see [2] ). In 2019, the world’s 2153 billionaires had more wealth than 4.6 billion people [3] . The World Bank estimates that COVID-19 will push up to 150 million people into extreme poverty [4] .



从1970年代从那时起,我们开始梦想休闲社会,在这种社会中,由于技术的进步和生产力的提高,工作时间将被最小化,我们所有人将生活在充裕的状态。我们所有人几乎都可以将时间专门用于个人关系,与自然,科学,艺术,娱乐活动等方面的联系。今天,这种乌托邦似乎比那时更加难以实现。自21世纪以来,我们发现不平等现象日益加剧:在2006年至2018年间美国的财富增长中,经通胀和人口增长调整后,超过87%的人口流向了最富有的10%的人口,而最贫穷的是50%的财富损失[1] 。在2008年的危机之后,社会不平等,侵犯人权,行星退化和气候紧急情况恶化并加剧了(参见[2] )。2019年,全球2153名亿万富翁的财富超过46亿人[3] 。世界银行估计,COVID-19将使多达1.5亿人陷入极端贫困[4]