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Toward a More Equal World: The Human Rights Approach to Extending the Benefits of Artificial Intelligence
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-15 , DOI: 10.1109/mts.2021.3056295
Elizabeth D. Gibbons

We are all aware of the huge potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to bring massive benefits to under-served populations, advancing equal access to public services such as health, education, social assistance, or public transportation, for example. We are equally aware that AI can drive inequality, concentrating wealth, resources, and decision-making power in the hands of a few countries, companies, or citizens. Artificial intelligence for equity (AI4Eq) [1] as presented in this magazine, calls upon academics, AI developers, civil society, and government policy-makers to work collaboratively toward a technological transformation that increases the benefits to society, reduces inequality, and aims to leave no one behind. A call for equity rests on the human rights principle of equality and nondiscrimination. AI design, development, and deployment (AI-DDD) can and should be harnessed to reduce inequality and increase the share of the world's population that is able to live in dignity and fully realize their human potential. This commentary argues, first, that far preferable to an ethics framework, adopting a human rights framework for AI-DDD offers the potential for a robust and enforceable set of guidelines for the pursuit of AI4Eq. Second, the commentary introduces the work of IEEE in proposing practical recommendations for AI4Eq, so that people living in high-income countries (HICs), low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), alike, share AI applications' widespread benefit to humanity.



我们都意识到人工智能 (AI) 的巨大潜力,可以为服务不足的人群带来巨大利益,促进平等获得公共服务,例如健康、教育、社会援助或公共交通。我们同样意识到,人工智能可能会加剧不平等,将财富、资源和决策权集中在少数国家、公司或公民手中。本杂志提出的人工智能促进公平 (AI4Eq) [1] 呼吁学术界、人工智能开发者、民间社会和政府决策者共同努力实现技术转型,以增加社会福利、减少不平等,并实现以下目标:不让任何人掉队。对公平的呼吁基于平等和非歧视的人权原则。人工智能设计、开发和部署(AI-DDD)可以而且应该被用来减少不平等并增加世界上能够有尊严地生活并充分发挥人类潜力的人口比例。该评论认为,首先,采用 AI-DDD 的人权框架远比道德框架更可取,为追求 AI4Eq 提供了一套强有力且可执行的指导方针。其次,评论介绍了IEEE在提出AI4Eq实用建议方面所做的工作,以便生活在高收入国家(HIC)、低收入和中等收入国家(LMIC)的人们分享人工智能应用为人类带来的广泛利益。