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Impedance Modeling and Controllers Shaping Effect Analysis of PMSG Wind Turbines
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-05 , DOI: 10.1109/jestpe.2020.3014412
Bin Liu , Zhen Li , Xiaoliang Dong , Samson S. Yu , Xi Chen , Amanullah M. T. Oo , Xiaoqin Lian , Zhenyu Shan , Xiangdong Liu

Oscillation issues of permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) wind turbines (WTs) have an increasingly significant impact on grid stability, especially with their increased generation capacity. However, the machine-side model (MSM), involving machine-side converter (MSC) and generator, is generally simplified as an ideal voltage source to comprising the impedance model of a PMSG-WT used for stability analysis, thus causing deficiency in describing the machine dynamics. Besides, the impedance-based method considering the PMSG-WT as a black box only describes the system from the external output characteristics; as such, the shaping effect of the internal controllers on the impedance model has not been fully studied yet. This article proposes the impedance model of PMSG-WTs consisting of generator, MSC, dc-bus and grid-side converter (GSC) for more accurate stability analysis. Furthermore, based on the general Nyquist criteria (GNC) and eigenvalue sensitivity analysis method, the shaping effect of the controllers inside GSC and MSC on the PMSG external impedance is quantitatively studied. The influence of the MSM on the system stability is investigated by comparing with the simplified model through extensive simulation studies.


