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Young drivers vs. non-drivers: are there differences in behaviour?
Accident Analysis & Prevention ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2021.106011
Jane Seeley 1 , Hayley Hamilton 2 , Evelyn Vingilis 3


Traditionally, a first step toward independence for a North American youth has been to obtain a driver’s licence. Licensure can be associated with freedom and independence to provide teens opportunities to participate in conventional and health-enhancing behaviours, such as school, work, sporting events and other social activities, and/or provide opportunities to engage in unconventional, risk taking and health compromising behaviours. Yet, recent trends show that youth are delaying getting their licence.


The purpose of this study was to use the constructs of conventional and unconventional behaviours identified in Problem Behaviour Theory (PBT) under the behaviour system to examine whether driver licensure status in youth was associated with conventional, health-enhancing behaviours or unconventional, health compromising, risky behaviours.


Data were derived from the 2015 and 2017 cycles of the Ontario Student Drug Use Survey (OSDUHS). Analyses are based on a subsample of students who were at least 16 years of age. Included measures: driver’s licence (at least a G1 – the first stage of a 3-stage graduated licensing system), conventional behaviours (academic performance, school connectedness, employment, physical activity, and sleep), unconventional behaviours (tobacco use, cannabis use, alcohol use, binge drinking, hazardous drinking, problematic drug use, screen time, and number of antisocial behaviours), and control factors (age, sex, region, family Socio-Economic Status (SES)).


67.97 % of youth 16–19 years of age obtained a driver’s licence. Of the sample, 71.80 % of males, 75.05 % not living in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), and 70.86 % of youth with an average family SES received their driver’s licence. In regression analyses, older youth, males, and youth not living in the GTA had significantly higher odds of obtaining a driver’s licence than younger youth, females, and youth living in the GTA. Conventional behaviours that were significantly positively associated with licensure status included youth who had high academic achievement, good social connectedness, and who were employed. Unconventional behaviours that were significantly positively associated with licensure status included alcohol use and binge drinking.


In agreement with Problem Behaviour Theory, the results show that youth who obtain their licence show limited problematic lifestyle or ‘proneness’ (Gohari, 2019). Alcohol use and binge drinking were significantly associated with youth obtaining a driver’s licence but hazardous drinking was not. This study suggests that a driver’s licence for youth could both control but also instigate unconventional behaviours as identified by PBT. A driver’s licence could also provide opportunities for conventional behaviours associated with education and school connectedness. However, the independence provided by a driver’s licence could offer youth unsupervised social opportunities to drink and binge drink that may be health-compromising. Thus, based on PBT, licensure status is associated with both conventional behaviours, as well as problem behaviours associated with alcohol use.








数据来自安大略省学生用药调查(OSDUHS)的2015年和2017年周期。分析基于至少16岁的学生的子样本。包括的措施:驾驶执照(至少是G1 – 3阶段分级驾驶执照制度的第一阶段),常规行为(学术表现,学校联系,就业,体力活动和睡眠),非常规行为(抽烟,大麻使用) ,饮酒,暴饮暴食,有害饮酒,有问题的药物使用,筛查时间和反社会行为的数量)以及控制因素(年龄,性别,地区,家庭社会经济地位(SES))。




