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Finding common ground: grassroots dialogue principles for interreligious learning at university
Journal of Religious Education ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s40839-020-00128-0
Darren Cronshaw

Finding Common Ground (FCG) is an interreligious dialogue program hosted in the Multi Faith Facility of Swinburne University of Technology. This article evaluates the interreligious learning elements as one aspect of the program’s social inclusion and intercultural literacy objectives. The grassroots dialogue principles that FCG follows are ground rules of respect, story-sharing of religious experience, compassionate listening, valuing difference with curious questions, and identifying sources of strengths and courage. The experience of Swinburne FCG participants illustrates how these dialogue principles can best facilitate interreligious learning.



寻找共同点(FCG)是斯威本科技大学多信仰基金主持的宗教间对话计划。本文对宗教间学习元素进行了评估,以此作为该计划的社会包容性和跨文化素养目标的一个方面。FCG遵循的基层对话原则是尊重的基本规则,分享宗教经验的故事,富有同情心的倾听,通过好奇的问题来重视差异以及确定力量和勇气的来源。Swinburne FCG参与者的经验说明了这些对话原则如何最好地促进宗教间的学习。
