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History of the Albanian present suffix ‑i/‑ën from Proto-Indo-European to the modern dialects
Indogermanische Forschungen ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1515/if-2020-005
Milan Lopuhaä-Zwakenberg 1

Abstract In standard Albanian, there is a restricted class of three intransitive verbs (hip-, ec-, ik-) that shows a suffix ‑i/‑ën in the conjugation of the present singular. In dialects and in Old Albanian, however, this suffix is more prolific. This paper studies the history of this suffix and its function by comparing its use in a wide range of Albanian dialects. Based on the dialectal data a Proto- Albanian inchoative/imperfective function inherited from Proto-Indo-European can be reconstructed for the suffix. This function is still present in the Arbëresh dialect of San Costantino Albanese. As the suffix lost its semantic component, it became a marker for the imperfect in Tosk and southern Geg, while in northern Geg the suffix is used as a present marker in verbs where ambiguity with the imperfect could arise. The verbs hip-, ec-, and ik- were originally transitive verbs which were intransitivized by the suffix ‑i/‑ën. As their original transitive meaning was lost, the suffix was obligatory in these verbs in Proto-Albanian already, a situation that is continued in almost all present dialects.


从原始印欧语到现代方言的阿尔巴尼亚语现在后缀 ‑i/‑ën 的历史

摘要 在标准阿尔巴尼亚语中,有一类限制性的三个不及物动词(hip-、ec-、ik-)在现在单数的变位中显示后缀 ‑i/‑ën。然而,在方言和古阿尔巴尼亚语中,这个后缀更为丰富。本文通过比较其在广泛的阿尔巴尼亚方言中的使用来研究该后缀的历史及其功能。根据方言数据,可以为后缀重建继承自原始印欧语系的原始阿尔巴尼亚语先行/不完善功能。这个功能仍然存在于圣科斯坦蒂诺阿尔巴尼斯的 Arbëresh 方言中。由于后缀失去了语义成分,它在托斯克和南格格成为不完美的标记,而在格格北部,后缀被用作动词中的现在标记,其中可能会出现与不完美的歧义。动词 hip-, ec-, 和 ik- 最初是及物动词,由后缀 -i/‑ën 不及物化。由于失去了原始的及物含义,后缀在原始阿尔巴尼亚语中已经是强制性的,这种情况在几乎所有现在的方言中都会继续存在。