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Urindogermanische Lehnwörter in den uralischen und finno-ugrischen Grundsprachen
Indogermanische Forschungen ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1515/if-2020-011
Zsolt Simon 1

Zusammenfassung This paper contains a critical evaluation of the alleged Proto- Indo-European loanwords in Proto-Uralic and Proto-Finno-Ugric and argues that most of them cannot be upheld. It is also argued that currently it is not possible to choose between different scenarios for the remaining cases, i.e. sheer coincidence, borrowing from Proto-Indo-European, borrowing from a precursor of Tocharian, and a combination of any of these. Incidentally, this result also means that these words cannot be used for the location of the Proto-Indo-European homeland in the steppe area, which thus loses its single trustworthy linguistic argument.


Urindogermanische Lehnwörter in den uralischen und finno-ugrischen Grundsprachen

Zusammenfassung 这篇论文包含对原始乌拉尔语和原始芬兰-乌戈尔语中所谓的原始印欧语借词的批判性评价,并认为它们中的大多数不能被支持。也有人认为,目前不可能在其余情况的不同情景之间进行选择,即纯粹的巧合、借用原始印欧语、借用 Tocharian 的前身,以及任何这些的组合。顺便说一句,这个结果也意味着这些词不能用于草原地区的原始印欧家园的位置,从而失去了其单一可信的语言论证。