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Basic Income, Labour Automation and Migration – An Approach from a Republican Perspective
Basic Income Studies ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-09 , DOI: 10.1515/bis-2020-0027
Yannick Fischer 1

Abstract This research uses a normative approach to examine the relationship between basic income and migration. The decisive variable is the effect of labour automation, which increases economic insecurities globally, leaving some nation states in a position to cope with this and others not. The insecurities will increase migratory pressures on one hand but also justify the introduction of basic income on a nation state level on the other. The normative guideline is the republican conception of freedom as non-domination. This is used to justify a basic income, analyse how labour automation creates dominating structures and how borders dominate migrants seeking to move to countries which introduce a basic income. The result is that nation states that introduce a basic income to counter internal domination through labour automation, also have to look outside of their nation state. The imposition of borders in order to keep a basic income sustainable as well as labour automation itself, establish a form of domination over less developed countries and thus demand international regulation.



摘要 本研究采用规范方法来考察基本收入与移民之间的关系。决定性的变量是劳动力自动化的影响,它增加了全球经济的不安全感,使一些国家能够应对这种情况,而另一些则不能。一方面,不安全感将增加移民压力,但另一方面也证明在民族国家层面引入基本收入是合理的。规范准则是共和主义将自由视为非支配的概念。这用于证明基本收入的合理性,分析劳动力自动化如何创建主导结构以及边界如何主导寻求移居引入基本收入国家的移民。结果是国家通过劳动自动化引入基本收入来对抗内部统治,还必须将目光投向他们的民族国家之外。强加边界以保持基本收入的可持续性以及劳动自动化本身,建立了对欠发达国家的统治形式,因此需要国际监管。