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An Ordinary Day in New Haven
Wallace Stevens Journal ( IF <0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-05 , DOI: 10.1353/wsj.2021.0013
David Cappella

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • An Ordinary Day in New Haven
  • David Cappella


Today, when air is heavy, thick with over-ripened thoughts,with the smell of sea lightly tingeing it with a salty taste of languor,the apocalypse unfolds. As I walk the bustling streets of New Haven,packed with sidewalk rug sales, the haunting notes from a blues harp,and oblivious college students, cell-phoned into their deluded worlds,the apocalypse seeps into the haze, some milky sidewalk spillage.


This late summer, languid day: sweat beads my forehead,trickles down my spine. The legs are slow. To walkis cumbersome and awkward; it grinds my breath.Yet summer holds on. The day, a gift, stultifies the mind.The footsteps of shoppers on the concrete impendthe unknown. The apocalypse wafts in the smellof fresh croissants, stares out from the titles of booksthat line bookstore windows, cascades with the coffeethat streams from the espresso machine in Starbuck's.Customers, intent to read the newspaper, take notes,have a conversation, see nothing much outside themselves.This day is shirtsleeves, shorts, and sandals, a dayto imagine lying on the beach while not at the beach.The trees are turning, ever so slowly: right nowa maple leaf falls—a scorched hand, dry, reddish brown—before me. What is left: car keys, the distant, eerie soundof a car alarm, the quiet fright of a trivial life,a portent that will blossom in vivid color at sunset. [End Page 118]

David Cappella Plainville, Connecticut Copyright © 2021 Johns Hopkins University Press ...




  • 纽黑文的平凡一天
  • 戴维·卡佩拉


如今,当空气沉重,思想沉重,海洋气味淡淡,带有咸淡的languor味时,启示逐渐展开。当我走在纽黑文(New Haven)熙熙streets的街道上时,到处都是人行道地毯销售,蓝调竖琴的困扰音和忘却的大学生,被手机打入迷幻的世界,启示录渗入阴霾,有些乳白色的人行道溢出。



大卫·卡佩拉(David Cappella)普莱恩维尔(康涅狄格州)版权©2021约翰·霍普金斯大学出版社...
