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Robert Browning
Victorian Poetry ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-11 , DOI: 10.1353/vp.2020.0020
Suzanne Bailey

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Robert Browning
  • Suzanne Bailey (bio)

This year brings the good news of a major National Endowment for the Humanities grant, awarded to Philip Kelley and Edward Hagan for their vital scholarly work in assembling and editing the correspondence of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, together with all extant letters written to both poets. The NEH grant, sponsored by the Armstrong Browning Library at Baylor University, will fund the preparation of volumes 31 through 33 of The Brownings’ Correspondence. The meticulous work of Philip Kelley and his team has involved not only locating and transcribing the correspondence but also dating this material and producing annotations that provide a context for each letter. The scholarly standards applied in this project, as well as the deep knowledge of the poet, his life, and his career that informs the editing process, will ensure a lasting foundation for Browning studies.

While the long-term closure of interlibrary loan and other library services during the pandemic has presented challenges for reviewers, this year in Browning nonetheless brings work with new insights to offer. In addition to volume 27 of The Brownings’ Correspondence, essays by Laura Clarke and Simon Jarvis suggest new ways of reading Browning’s poetic theory and practice. Clarke studies Browning’s indebtedness to idealist philosophy and Thomas Carlyle, and Jarvis recasts Sordello (1840) as an innovative text in its own right, rather than as a communicative failure or a stepping stone to the dramatic monologues. Artist networks and relationships of influence between Browning and other writers are the subject of numerous articles. Daniel Karlin examines Browning’s impact on Kipling, and Gal Manor reads Browning’s “Pietro of Abano” (1880) as a response to Tennyson. Oliver Wort reveals notes toward a hitherto unknown plan to stage “Fra Lippo Lippi” (1855) by director Edward Gordon Craig (1872–1966), and Abigail Montgomery reflects on “Childe Roland” (1855) as an intertext in Yeats’s poetry and the novels of Stephen King. Browning’s prosody is also treated in Jarvis and in an article by Yann Tholoniat.

The Brownings’ Correspondence, vol. 27 (October 1859–May 1860), eds. Philip Kelley, Edward Hagan, and Linda M. Lewis (Winfield, Kans: Wedgestone Press, 2020)

Volume 27 of The Brownings’ Correspondence covers the aftermath of the Second Italian War of Independence, during which the French and Piedmont-Sardinians [End Page 331] had fought against Austria. Elizabeth Barrett Browning remains deeply involved in following political events, expressing unwavering faith in Louis-Napoleon, who would ultimately annex Nice and Savoy for France. Barrett Browning attributes her recent illness in part to “agitation of mind on account of public affairs, combined with a great deal too much talking, and some sort of cold-catching” (p. 6). The volume opens with a letter from Robert Browning, in which he writes of their return to Florence from a month in Siena (p. 1). Barrett Browning’s health is improving, but Browning notes “we shall be forced to go to Rome for the winter” for the warmer climate (p. 1). This period in the Brownings’ lives is also marked by the publication of Barrett Browning’s Poems before Congress (1860) and the mysterious disintegration of the Brownings’ friendship with Sophia Eckley. The reasons for the loss of trust are alluded to but never explained. Barrett Browning does comment that she now doubts Eckley as a medium, and she expresses her distaste for Eckley’s desire that the Brownings endorse her book (pp. 166–168, 316). Browning’s friendship with Walter Savage Landor (1775–1864) is one of the highlights of this volume, which contains not only correspondence between Browning and Landor’s niece, Sophia, on the subject of his care, but also lively letters sent to Browning by Landor, illuminating presumably shared intellectual interests. Barrett Browning reports on the summer in Siena to Anna Jameson, noting that when she had been well enough, she and Robert “drove about” together “& enjoyed the lovely country” (p. 4). Robert, she declares, “was perfect to me—too good indeed for until the last fortnight, he insisted on undertaking all Pen’s lessons” (p. 4).

Browning’s correspondence with Sophia Landor and others presents a portrait of Walter Savage Landor, whose de...




  • 罗伯特·布朗宁
  • 苏珊·贝利(Suzanne Bailey)(生物)

今年带来了一项重大的好消息,国家科学基金会将授予菲利普·凯利和爱德华·哈根,以表彰他们在组装和编辑罗伯特·布朗宁和伊丽莎白·巴雷特·布朗宁的书信中所进行的重要学术工作,以及所有给这两者的信诗人。由贝勒大学阿姆斯特朗·勃朗宁图书馆赞助的NEH赠款将资助《勃朗宁斯通信31卷至第33卷的准备工作。菲利普·凯利(Philip Kelley)和他的团队的细致工作不仅涉及到对信件的定位和抄写,而且还对这些材料进行了约会,并产生了为每个字母提供上下文的注释。该项目采用的学术标准以及对诗人,他的生活和他的职业的深刻了解为编辑过程提供了信息,将确保布朗宁研究的持久基础。

尽管大流行期间馆际互借和其他图书馆服务的长期关闭给审阅者带来了挑战,但今年在勃朗宁的会议仍带来了新的见解。除了《勃朗宁的书信》第27卷外,劳拉·克拉克(Laura Clarke)和西蒙·贾维斯(Simon Jarvis)的论文还提出了阅读勃朗宁诗歌理论和实践的新方法。克拉克研究勃朗宁对唯心主义哲学的欠债和托马斯·卡莱尔(Thomas Carlyle),贾维斯(Jarvis)重铸了索德罗(Sordello)(1840)本身就是一个创新的文本,而不是作为交流失败或戏剧性独白的垫脚石。艺术家网络以及勃朗宁与其他作家之间的影响力关系是许多文章的主题。丹尼尔·卡林(Daniel Karlin)考察了勃朗宁对吉卜林的影响,加尔·曼诺(Gal Manor)读勃朗宁的《阿巴诺彼得》(Pietro of Abano,1880年),作为对丹尼森的回应。奥利弗·沃尔特(Oliver Wort)透露了导演埃德华·戈登·克雷格(Edward Gordon Craig(1872-1966))上演“弗拉·里波·里皮(Fra Lippo Lippi)”(1855)的迄今未知计划的音符,阿比盖尔·蒙哥马利(Abigail Montgomery)反映了“柴尔德·罗兰”(Childe Roland)(1855),作为叶芝诗作和电影中的转介。斯蒂芬·金的小说。贾维斯(Yarvis Tholoniat)和贾恩维斯(Yann Tholoniat)在一篇文章中也谈到了布朗宁的韵律。

勃朗宁的书信,第一卷。27(1859年10月至1860年5月),第一版。菲利普·凯利(Philip Kelley),爱德华·哈根(Edward Hagan)和琳达·刘易斯(Linda M.Lewis)(堪萨斯州温菲尔德):楔石出版社,2020年

《勃朗宁一家的书信》第27卷涵盖了第二次意大利独立战争的后果,在此期间,法国人和皮埃蒙特-撒丁岛人[结束页331]曾与奥地利作战。伊丽莎白·巴雷特·勃朗宁(Elizabeth Barrett Browning)仍深陷于政治事件中,对路易·拿破仑(Louis-Napoleon)表示坚定的信念,路易·拿破仑最终将尼斯和萨沃伊并入法国。巴雷特·勃朗宁(Barrett Browning)将她最近的病归因于“由于公共事务而引起的思想激动,加上过多的谈话和某种冷门”(第6页)。该卷以罗伯特·布朗宁的来信开头,他在信中写道,他们从锡耶纳(Siena)居住一个月便回到了佛罗伦萨(第1页)。巴雷特·勃朗宁的健康状况正在改善,但勃朗宁指出“由于冬季气候变暖,我们将被迫前往罗马过冬”(第1页)。勃朗宁一生中的这一时期还以巴雷特·勃朗宁在国会面前发表的诗集为标志(1860)和布朗宁与索菲亚·埃克莱(Sophia Eckley)的友谊的神秘解体。提及了失去信任的原因,但从未解释。Barrett Browning确实评论说,她现在怀疑Eckley是否是媒介,她对Eckley希望Brownings认可她的书表示不满(第166-168页,第316页)。勃朗宁与沃尔特·萨维奇·兰多(Walter Savage Landor,1775-1864年)的友谊是这本书的重点之一,其中不仅包括勃朗宁与兰多的侄女索菲娅之间关于他的照顾的往来书信,还包括兰多给勃朗宁的活泼信件,阐明可能共有的知识利益。巴雷特·勃朗宁(Barrett Browning)于夏季在锡耶纳(Siena)向安娜·詹姆森(Anna Jameson)汇报,并指出,当她过得足够好时,她和罗伯特一起“开车”“享受这个美丽的国家”(第4页)。罗伯特

勃朗宁与索菲亚·兰多(Sophia Landor)以及其他人的往来信件呈现了沃尔特·萨维奇·兰多(Walter Savage Landor)的肖像,他的肖像...
