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Twenty-First-Century Antigones: The Postcolonial Woman Shaped by 9/11 in Kamila Shamsie's Home Fire
Studies in the Novel ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-16
Lisa Lau, Ana Cristina Mendes

Set in the early 2010s, the backdrop of Kamila Shamsie's novel Home Fire (2017) is a familiar one to contemporary readers, colored by the rise of farright populist movements and the increase in anti-Muslim initiatives. This article examines how the novel engages with new Orientalist representations post-9/11 on two levels. Firstly, Shamsie's novel is shaped by the political narratives of the War on Terror and, in turn, responds to the upshot of these new configurations of power, reflecting how the difficulty of making sense of 9/11 exacerbated the Orientalist binary of East and West. Secondly, the novel reflects on the unenviable choice, for female kin to male terrorists, of either being Orientalized or re-orientalizing, a form of self-perpetrated Othering. This study is framed by re-orientalism theory in its analysis of how the East continues to engage the West in increasingly self-aware, multi-layered ways, constantly renegotiating positions of power and influence.


二十一世纪的对立面:卡米拉·夏姆西(Kamila Shamsie)的《家中之火》中9/​​11塑造的后殖民女性

卡米拉·夏姆西(Kamila Shamsie)的小说《家庭火灾》(Home Fire)背景设定于2010年代初(2017)是当代读者熟悉的一个,其特征是极右翼的民粹主义运动的兴起和反穆斯林倡议的增多。本文考察了小说如何在9/11之后在两个层面上与新的东方主义表现形式进行互动。首先,Shamsie的小说是由反恐战争的政治叙事所塑造的,并且反过来回应了这些新的权力格局的结果,反映出理解9/11的困难如何加剧了东西方的东方主义二元论。 。其次,这部小说反映出,对于男性恐怖分子来说,对于女性来说,是令人羡慕的选择,要么是东方化的,要么是重新取向化的,是一种自我实现的“他者”。这项研究以重新东方主义理论为框架,分析了东方如何以越来越多的自我意识,多层次的方式继续与西方交战,
