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Studies in the Novel ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-16

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  • Contributors

Lopamudra Basu is Professor of English at University of Wisconsin-Stout. She is the author of Ayad Akhtar, the American Nation and its Others After 9/11: Homeland Insecurity (Lexington Books, 2018) and the co-editor of Passage to Manhattan: Critical Essays on Meena Alexander (Cambridge Scholars, UK, 2009). Her articles, interviews, and reviews have been published in South Asian Review, Nebula, Social Text, Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies, Remarkings, and in the anthologies Rites of Passage in Postcolonial Women's Writing (Rodopi, 2010), Drawing from Life: Memory and Subjectivity in Comic Art (U of Mississippi P, 2013), Masks of Threat: South Asian Racialization and Belonging after 9/11 (Lexington, 2016), and A History of Indian Poetry in English (Cambridge UP, 2016). Her current scholarly interests include trauma studies, post-9/11 American literature, and postcolonial poetry. Her poetry has been published in Postcolonial Text, Journal of Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies, Barstow and Grand, the Hitchlit Review, and the Poetry Calendar of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets.

Gaurav Desai is Chair of the Department and Professor of English at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He is the author of Subject to Colonialism: African Self-fashioning and the Colonial Library (2001). His latest book, on narratives of Indian Ocean connections between Africa and India, Commerce with the Universe: Africa, India and the Afrasian Imagination (2013), received the 2014 Rene Wellek Prize from the American Comparative Literature Association.

Robbie B. H. Goh is Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature, and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore. He works on Indian Writing in English (IWE), religion, and popular culture. His recent books are Protestant Christianity in the Indian Diaspora (SUNY Press, 2018) and Language, Space and Cultural Play: Theorising Affect in the Linguistic Landscape (co-authored with Lionel Wee, Cambridge UP, 2020). His articles on IWE have appeared in ARIEL, Journal of Commonwealth Literature, South Asian Review, and numerous edited collections.

Lisa Lau pioneered and developed re-orientalism theory and discourse. She coauthored Re-Orientalism and Indian Writing in English (Palgrave, 2014) and coedited Re-Orientalism and South Asian Identity Politics (Routledge, 2011). Key areas of research: postcolonialism, gender studies, and South Asian Literature in English; with a focus on power, narrative, identity construction, class, and the diaspora. Lisa has also worked extensively on issues of representation, precarity, cosmopolitan returnee migrants, hospitality, and commercial surrogacy.

Ana Cristina Mendes is Associate Professor in English Studies at the School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon. She uses cultural and postcolonial studies to examine literary and screen texts (in particular, intermedia adaptations) as venues for resistant knowledge formations in order to expand upon theories of epistemic injustice. She co-edited Re-Orientalism and South Asian Identity Politics (Routledge, 2011).

Sangeeta Ray is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Maryland. She is president of the American Comparative Literature Association (2020–2021) and on the supervisory board of the English Institute. She has published numerous essays in various collections and in journals including Comparative Literature, ELH, Modern Fiction Studies, PMLA, and MLQ. She is author of two books, En-Gendering India (Duke UP, 2000) and In Other Words: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009). She has coedited A Companion to Postcolonial Studies (Blackwell, 2000) as well as the threevolume Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016). Her forthcoming book is tentatively titled Form-Fitted: Postcolonial Aesthetics, Ethics, and Politics. She is currently working on a manuscript on South Asian refugee literature in English and other languages.

Arthur Rose is a Vice-Chancellor's Fellow in English at the University of Bristol and a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom. He is the author of Literary Cynics: Borges, Beckett, Coetzee (Bloomsbury, 2017) and a co-editor of Theories of History (Bloomsbury, 2018) and Reading Breath in Literature (Palgrave, 2019). He is currently completing Asbestos: The Last Modernist Object for Edinburgh University Press.

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  • 贡献者

Lopamudra Basu是威斯康星州烈性大学的英语教授。她是9月11日之后的《美国国家及其其他民族:国土不安全》(列克星敦图书,2018年)的作者和《曼哈顿通行:关于迈娜·亚历山大的批评论文》(英国剑桥学者,2009年)的作者。 。她的文章,访谈和评论已经发表在南亚评论,星云,社会文本,杂志英联邦和后殖民研究,Remarkings的,并在诗集后殖民女性写作成年礼(罗多彼,2010年),从写生画:漫画艺术中的记忆与主体性(密西西比大学,2013年出版),威胁的面具:9/11之后的南亚种族化和归属(列克星敦,2016年)以及英语的印度诗歌史(Cambridge UP,2016年)。她目前的学术兴趣包括创伤研究,9/11后的美国文学和后殖民诗歌。她的诗歌已发表在《后殖民文本》,《联邦与后殖民研究杂志》,《巴斯托与格兰德》,《希区人评论》以及《威斯康星州诗人奖学金诗历》中。

Gaurav Desai是密歇根大学安娜堡分校系主任和英语教授。他是《殖民主义主题:非洲的自我塑造和殖民图书馆》(2001年)的作者。他的最新著作《非洲与印度之间的印度洋联系叙事,与宇宙的贸易:非洲,印度和阿弗拉希想象》(2013年)获得了美国比较文学协会2014年里内·韦勒克奖。

Robbie BH Goh是新加坡国立大学英语和文学系教授以及艺术和社会科学学院院长。他从事英语(IWE),宗教和大众文化方面的印度写作工作。他最近的著作是《印度侨民中的基督教基督教》(SUNY出版社,2018年)和《语言,空间与文化游戏:语言环境中的理论影响》(与Lionel Wee合着,Cambridge UP,2020年)。他关于IWE的文章发表在ARIEL,《联邦文学杂志》,《南亚评论》以及许多编辑过的藏书中。

刘丽莎(Lisa Lau)开创并发展了东方主义理论和话语。她与人合着了《东方主义和英语的英语写作》(帕尔格雷夫,2014年),并合着《东方主义和南亚身份政治》(Routledge,2011年)。研究重点:后殖民主义,性别研究和英语南亚文学;着重于权力,叙事,身份建构,阶级和散居者。丽莎还就代议制,pre待,国际化的回返移民,款待和商业代理权等问题开展了广泛的工作。

安娜·克里斯蒂娜·门德斯(Ana Cristina Mendes)是里斯本大学艺术与人文学院英语研究副教授。她使用文化和后殖民研究来研究文学和屏幕文本(尤其是中间改编),作为抵抗性知识形成的场所,以扩展认知不公正的理论。她与他人合着了《重新东方主义》和《南亚身份政治》(Routledge,2011年)。

Sangeeta Ray是马里兰大学的英语和比较文学教授。她是美国比较文学协会(2020-2021)的主席,也是英国英语学院的监事会成员。她在各种收藏和期刊中发表了许多论文,包括比较文学,ELH,现代小说研究,PMLAMLQ。她是两本书的作者,《En-Gendering India》(Duke UP,2000年)和《换句话说:Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak》(Wiley-Blackwell,2009年)。她与他人合着了《后殖民研究同伴》(布莱克威尔,2000年)以及三卷后殖民研究百科全书(Wiley-Blackwell,2016年)。她即将出版的书暂定为《形式合身:后殖民美学,伦理学和政治学》。她目前正在用英语和其他语言编写有关南亚难民文学的手稿。

亚瑟·罗斯(Arthur Rose)是布里斯托大学(University of Bristol)的英语副校长,英国埃克塞特大学(University of Exeter)的博士后研究员。他是《文学犬儒学:博尔赫斯,贝克特,库切》(布卢姆斯伯里,2017年)的作者,也是《历史理论》(2018年布卢姆斯伯里)和《文学中的呼吸》(帕尔格雷夫,2019年)的合编者。他目前正在完成《石棉:爱丁堡大学出版社的最后现代主义者》

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