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Studies in the Literary Imagination Pub Date : 2020-02-13 , DOI: 10.1353/sli.2018.0008

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Andrew Bennett is Professor of English at the University of Bristol, UK. His books include Suicide Century: Literature and Suicide from James Joyce to David Foster Wallace (2017), Wordsworth Writing (2007), Romantic Poets and the Culture of Posterity (1999), Keats, Narrative and Audience (1994), and, as editor, William Wordsworth in Context (2015).

Kirsty Cameron is a PhD candidate in English at the University of Manitoba. Cameron was awarded a 2018 SSHRC doctoral fellowship for her dissertation work on Tennessee Williams. Kirsty is also a creative writer, an English TA, and an itinerant sessional instructor in composition and creative writing at Brandon University.

Leigh Wetherall Dickson is Senior Lecturer at the University of Northumbria, She has published and edited many work on the nature and representation of illness in the long eighteenth century. Her current research interest is the overlap between fame, fashion and illness in the Regency period.

Michelle Faubert is Associate Professor at the University of Manitoba and Visiting Fellow at Northumbria University, UK. Her monographs are Granville Sharp's Uncovered Letter and the Zong Massacre (2018) and Rhyming Reason: The Poetry of Romantic-Era Psychologists (2009); she has also edited two editions for Broadview Press and four volumes and journal issues. She is the Principal Investigator of "Romanticism and Revolutionary Suicide," funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2015–20).

Deanna Koretsky is Assistant Professor of English at Spelman College, where she specializes in transatlantic Romantic-era literatures, critical race theory, and feminist theory. She is currently completing her first book, Death Rights: Romantic Suicide, Race, and the Bounds of Liberalism, with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities and UNCF/ Mellon. Most recently, she co-edited, with Joel Pace, a special issue of Symbiosis entitled "New Directions in Transatlantic Romanticisms." [End Page 139]

Kelly McGuire is an Associate Professor of English and Gender & Women's Studies at Trent University in Canada, where she specializes in eighteenth-century literature and health humanities.

Shoshannah Bryn Jones Square received her PhD from the University of Oxford in 2017, after which she held a Research Affiliateship with the University of Manitoba Institute for the Humanities while also working as a Postdoctoral Fellow. She is currently a faculty member in the Department of English at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Surrey, BC. Her research project, "Books, Brains, and Benevolence: An Interdisciplinary Study of Empathy," explores empathy from the perspectives of literature, neuroscience, psychology, philosophy, engineering, economics, physics, mathematics, and more. Square's article, "[A] mad excess of love": Hyper-Sympathy, Fidelity, and Suicidality in Mary Shelley's Falkner," will be published in Essays in Romanticism in 2020. [End Page 140]

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  • 贡献者

Andrew Bennett是英国布里斯托大学的英语教授。他的著作包括《自杀世纪:詹姆斯·乔伊斯到大卫·福斯特·华莱士的文学与自杀》(2017年),华兹华斯写作(2007年),《浪漫主义诗人和后代的文化》(1999年),济慈,叙事和听众(1994年),并担任编辑。 ,威廉·华兹华斯William Wordsworth)《情境》(2015)。

柯斯蒂·卡梅隆Kirsty Cameron)是曼尼托巴大学(University of Manitoba)的英语博士学位。卡梅伦(Cameron)因其在田纳西·威廉姆斯(Tennessee Williams)上的论文工作而获得2018年SSHRC博士学位。Kirsty还是布兰登大学(Brandon University)的创意作家,英语助教和巡回讲师,负责作曲和创意写作。

Leigh Wetherall Dickson是诺森比亚大学的高级讲师,她在18世纪很长的一段时间内出版和编辑了许多关于疾病的性质和代表性的著作。她目前的研究兴趣是摄政时期名气,时尚和疾病之间的重叠。

Michelle Faubert是曼尼托巴大学的副教授,英国诺桑比亚大学的访问学者。她的专着是《格兰·夏普(Granville Sharp)的《揭露的信》和《宗族大屠杀》(2018)和《押韵:浪漫时代心理学家的诗歌》(2009); 她还为Broadview Press编辑了两个版本,并编辑了四册和期刊。她是加拿大社会科学与人文研究委员会(2015-20)资助的“浪漫主义与革命性自杀”的主要研究者。

Deanna Koretsky是Spelman College的英语助理教授,主要研究跨大西洋的浪漫主义时代的文学,批判种族理论和女权主义理论。在国家人文基金会和联合国基金会/梅隆大学的支持下,她目前正在完成她的第一本书《死亡权利:浪漫自杀,种族和自由主义的界限》。最近,她与乔尔·佩斯(Joel Pace)合着了《共生》杂志的特刊,名为《跨大西洋浪漫主义的新方向》。[完第139页]

凯利·麦奎尔Kelly McGuire)是加拿大特伦特大学(Trent University)的英语和性别与女性研究副教授,她擅长研究18世纪的文学和健康人文科学。

Shoshannah Bryn Jones Square于2017年在牛津大学获得博士学位,此后她在曼尼托巴大学人文学院担任研究会员,同时还担任博士后研究员。她目前是不列颠哥伦比亚省萨里市肯特伦理工大学英语系的教职员工。她的研究项目“书籍,大脑和仁慈:同理心的跨学科研究”从文学,神经科学,心理学,哲学,工程学,经济学,物理学,数学等方面探索同情心。Square的文章“ [A]疯狂的过度爱”:玛丽·雪莱《福尔克纳》中的超同情,忠诚和自杀,将发表在2020年的《浪漫主义随笔》中

