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De héroe a superhéroe: Encantos y desencantos del milagro económico chileno en El reemplazante
Studies in Latin American Popular Culture Pub Date : 2020-06-06
María del Carmen Caña Jiménez


First airing on TVN between 2012 and 2014 and then acquired by Netflix in 2017, the television series El reemplazante chronicles the narrative arc of Carlos Valdivia, a successful financial executive sentenced to three months in prison after committing securities fraud. After serving his sentence, he is fired from his lush position in the central business district of Sanhattan and returns to his humble origins in the San Miguel neighborhood of Santiago to work as a mathematics teacher. Here, he joins the students and other community members in fighting the privatization of the school system—a plot point based on real social tensions in Chile at the time of the series’ being broadcast. While at first glance it may seem that the protagonist’s politics aim to subvert the neoliberal status quo that is a result of economic measures taken during the years of Pinochet’s dictatorship, a closer analysis results in an altogether different reading. This essay explores the tropes of the tragic hero and superhero alluded to in the first episode of the series, to suggest that the dialectic planted by these narrative types allows an exploration of the mechanisms and structures of feeling (based on theories by Raymond Williams) of the neoliberal model. I analyze the circulation of emotions between the protagonist and his students, and—in a broader context— between the diegesis and the viewer. In doing so, I argue that the message of subversion is really not subversion at all, but rather a continuation and appeasement of the neoliberal ethos.


De aHéroeasuperhéroe:理想的环境和经济的智利


电视连续剧El reemplazante于2012年至2014年首次在TVN播出,然后于2017年被Netflix收购记录了卡洛斯·瓦尔迪维亚(Carlos Valdivia)的叙述弧。卡洛斯·瓦尔迪维亚(Carlos Valdivia)是一名成功的财务主管,因从事证券欺诈行为被判入狱三个月。服完刑期后,他被从Sanhattan中央商业区的茂盛职位中解雇,并返回圣地亚哥的San Miguel街区的卑微渊源,担任数学老师。在这里,他与学生和其他社区成员一道,为学校系统的私有化而战。这是根据该系列节目播出之时智利实际社会紧张局势得出的结论。乍一看,主角的政治意图是颠覆新自由主义的现状,这是皮诺切特(Pinochet)专政时期采取的经济措施的结果,而更仔细的分析则得出了完全不同的理解。本文探讨了该系列第一集中提到的悲剧英雄和超级英雄的比喻,表明这些叙事类型所植入的辩证法允许探索情感的机制和结构(基于雷蒙德·威廉姆斯的理论)。新自由主义模式。我分析了主角和他的学生之间以及(在更广泛的范围内)礼拜堂和观察者之间的情绪循环。在这样做时,我认为颠覆的信息实际上根本不是颠覆,而是新自由主义精神的延续和安抚。表明这些叙事类型所植入的辩证法允许探索新自由主义模型的感觉机制和结构(基于雷蒙德·威廉姆斯的理论)。我分析了主角和他的学生之间以及(在更广泛的范围内)礼拜堂和观察者之间的情绪循环。在这样做时,我认为颠覆的信息实际上根本不是颠覆,而是新自由主义精神的延续和安抚。表明这些叙事类型所植入的辩证法允许探索新自由主义模型的感觉机制和结构(基于雷蒙德·威廉姆斯的理论)。我分析了主角和他的学生之间以及(在更广泛的范围内)礼拜堂和观察者之间的情绪循环。在这样做时,我认为颠覆的信息实际上根本不是颠覆,而是新自由主义精神的延续和安抚。
